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World's first multi-asset Orderflow charting and trading platform on the web App: https://t.co/gWXMVjdmX2 Official Telegram: https://t.co/rlID56p7lo

Jul 24, 2020, 5 tweets

Indicator on Indicator (beta) -

Another premium feature in other popular platforms is now available for FREE in GoCharting.

Please follow the steps in this thread

#premium #indicators #charting #advanced

Click on the Indicator series legend and select "Add Indicator" option

A new Indicator selection menu will appear to choose from

All Indicators which derive its value from another indicator will have their underlying series mentioned in their own series legend

Below is an example of a MACD built on a Simple Moving Average

Finally, these indicators will come with a derivative symbol [f′(x)] on the Layers Tab

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