Zaven Sargsyan Profile picture
Internal medicine @bcm_internalmed

Jul 25, 2020, 9 tweets

I haven’t ordered a CK-MB in 8 years.

If you’re worried about the ❤️, it adds nothing to your troponin.

If you’re worried about 🥩💪🏽, it adds nothing to CK.

Many hospital/labs don’t even run CK-MBs, considering them too low-value.


Thanks for comments, y’all. Regarding utility in detecting reinfarction:

First, I must say that I do hospital medicine and minimal ICU, so this isn’t a daily quandary for me. I was mostly imagining the “new docs” on the wards.

That being said, some thoughts/references:


First, the whole idea is that MB may have an earlier rise than troponin, and a quicker fall (especially if low GFR).

As such, in back to back events, there may be a clearer separation of humps in the MB curve.

You may have seen curves like this (Wikipedia)


Some try to apply these kinetics in practice. I used to, but my CCU attendings convinced me that between symptoms, ECG, and troponin, there’s little value added by CKMB in most cases.

Here’s perspective from UTD authors:


But even isolating the biomarkers alone, here is a nice series of 3 patients with reinfarction demonstrating that CKMB is redundant when you have access to troponin.

PMID 15563477


Before tweeting the original post, I texted two trusted cardiologists, who trained and practice at different institutions. Caveat, only one is an interventionalist.


Parenthetically, troponin peak correlates with infarct size and prognosis too. Though some question even ITS practical value post-reperfusion, and choose not to trend it to peak.

PMID 16275971


All in all, I think routine use of CK-MB is low value, even in patients with possible reinfarction. But there may be occasional times where it’s useful (certainly if troponin not available).

What I’d very strongly discourage is this, in a patient with mild rhabdo:


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