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Christian|Lazy Writer|Singer|Sports Fanatic|Thought Leadership|Democracy|Human Rights|Chelsea FC| Citizens' Analyst|

Jul 28, 2020, 5 tweets

1] The strangest thing about politics for me, has to be that the stakeholders of an electoral process are forced to be submissive to the end product of that very electoral process.

How do we get to a point where the one elected, becomes bigger than those who elected her/him?

2] It's equally strange for me, that beneficiaries of a popular electoral process, even a new regime, begin criminalizing regime change!

They dread the same process through which they came to power, & bastardize any pronouncements & actions that promote change.



3] Imagine a scenario where when you support X,you're patriotic, but when Y, you're being influenced by Z!

How do electoral processes come to a point where they are only acceptable when they produce a particular end product?

Why do we have elections if regime change is illegal?

4] But more importantly, how do we turn the one WE voted for, into our BOSS?

Who then becomes answerable to the other?

How do you then demand accountability to a beneficiary of such a process, which sadly also gives her/him power over the use of force & changing of laws?

5] Let me end where i started,with silly analogies

Imagine the fryer dreading the chips?

Imagine the grain mill fearing mielie mill?

These are the things we've normalized

We need to seriously fumigate our political processes.

Only then can we talk about #PeoplePower


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