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Jul 28, 2020, 36 tweets

We’re so excited to be kicking off Day 2 of #WeAreEMILY! Today we’ll be joined by @SaraGideon, @YNB, @ewarren, @KamalaHarris, @SenGillibrand, @amyklobuchar, @LondonBreed, @GreenfieldIowa, @mjhegar, Dr. @BarbaraBollier, and so many more!

First up we’re talking about voting rights in 2020 — with EMILY’s List president @Schriock1; voting rights lawyer and the creator of Democracy Docket, @marceelias; the founder of @votolatino, @MariaTeresa1, @geriprado; and Virginia House Majority Leader, @C_Herring.

"The biggest barrier [to voting] is Trump and the Republicans.... They hit young voters harder than older voters and they hit Black and Latinx voters harder than white voters." - @marceelias

"Who is sitting at the decision making table writing these laws?
The Republicans have made a clear choice that they want to prevent people from voting. Period." - @Schriock1

"It shouldn't be whether or not we want a thriving democracy or to stay at home. That's actually a false choice, because we need both." - @MariaTeresa1

"Voting is fundamental to every other right that we have and that we cherish." - @C_Herring

We’re so excited to welcome @TeamPelosi to #WeAreEMILY once again this year!

The first woman speaker of the U.S. House, Speaker Pelosi is no stranger to making history. And with our help, her House caucus now has more Democratic women than EVER BEFORE.

“We have over 100 women in the House of Representatives. Because we made a decision that we were going to elect more women. And because EMILY’s List exists.

We’re so proud of all the women who are making such a big difference.” — Speaker Nancy Pelosi

“I don’t pay attention to anyone who wants to underestimate me. That’s their problem.” — @TeamPelosi

"We want women to have the confidence to have a seat at the table and have a seat at the head of the table."

Yes, yes we do @TeamPelosi!

We're so excited to be joined by @SusieLeeNV, @lucymcbath, and @XochforCongress — three incredible women who won their congressional races and helped FLIP the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018! #WeAreEMILY

After the death of her son Jordan, Rep. @lucymcbath became a mother on a mission. That mission? To change the people representing her and to advocate for families like her own.

And since she’s been in Congress, she’s done exactly that. #WeAreEMILY

Rep. @XochforCongress is a steadfast champion for New Mexico — whether that be in protecting health care access or fighting for public lands.

She grew sick of waiting for someone else to be the leader her community needed — so she ran for office herself, and WON! #WeAreEMILY

Rep. @SusieLeeNV is a champion for families, reproductive freedom, and health care access.

She's been an invaluable addition to the U.S. House of Representatives. (And we're so glad that she's serving in Congress with more women than ever before!) #WeAreEMILY

Rep. @DebbieforFL is a mom, an immigrant, and the first Ecuadorian-American elected to Congress.

Each and every day, Debbie fights to make sure that working families can afford the health care they need.

We're so excited to have her here with us today! #WeAreEMILY

Next up on the #WeAreEMILY agenda: the four women who are going to FLIP THE SENATE in November: Dr. @BarbaraBollier, @SaraGideon, @GreenfieldIowa, and @mjhegar.

These four women are ready to FLIP their seats and bring true pro-choice leadership to the U.S. Senate.

Dr. @BarbaraBollier is a medical professional and a former member of the Kansas state Legislature.

When she’s elected to the Senate in November, she’ll become the first woman doctor in the Senate and the first Democratic woman elected to the Senate from Kansas.

.@SaraGideon is the Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives and a champion for working families.

Her record of service speaks for itself — and the latest polls show her LEADING against Sen. Susan Collins. She can FLIP this seat and help us say #ByeByeSusan in November!

So much needs to get done in Washington — and @GreenfieldIowa felt a calling to run for the Senate and get those jobs done!

Now this scrappy farm kid is ready to work hard and get through these tough times — together. (Oh, and she’s bringing the fight to Sen. Joni Ernst!)

.@mjhegar is an Air Force veteran and a fearless advocate for women in the military.

She’s ready to build a better Texas for her sons. And she’s proving to everyone that Texas is a BATTLEGROUND state — and that she has what it takes to defeat Sen. John Cornyn in November.

Raise your hand if you're excited to see the four of these incredible women in the Senate! #WeAreEMILY 🙋‍♀️

We’re also proud to be joined by Mayor @LondonBreed, a woman who took decisive action that saved countless lives at the beginning of this pandemic.

London is one of the preeminent examples of the importance of women in leadership at the local and state level. #WeAreEMILY

“There is hope. We are resilient. We have a chance to get it right this November.

We need leaders who will advance equitable policies. This November, we need to push to get more Democratic women elected than ever before!” — Mayor @LondonBreed #WeAreEMILY

Last but certainly not least, we’re honored to present our #WeAreEMILY Award to the incredible Senate women who ran for president this year — @SenGillibrand, @KamalaHarris, @amyklobuchar, and @ewarren.

We’re so excited to have @YNB with us to interview these fantastic women!

.@SenGillibrand ran for president to unapologetically fight for women and families. Her campaign was centered around paid family leave, reproductive freedom, and affordable child care.

We’re so proud to have her here with us today! #WeAreEMILY

"Today, our ideas are being used. A lot has been taken by Vice President Biden. I think each of us had things that we put out into the ether that we were particularly proud of that will be part of the Democratic platform going forward. And that makes me proud." — @SenGillibrand

.@KamalaHarris is no stranger to being “the first.” But she ran for president to show so many young women — and young women of color — what is possible when they fight for what they believe in.

A fierce advocate & champion for women, we’re so proud to be joined by Sen. Harris.

"We must encourage our girls and our women to have ambition and know that that is a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness." — Sen. @KamalaHarris #WeAreEMILY

“My mother used to say: ‘you might be the first to do something, but you better not be the last.’

I knew that young women could look on the stage and see a candidate for president that looks like me! And that made the candidacy so much bigger than me.” — Sen. @KamalaHarris

.@amyklobuchar is a fierce leader, a proud mother, and a proud Minnesotan who’s never been afraid to stand up to President Trump.

She’s proven that women can win in blue, purple, and red states and that women in politics are a force to be reckoned with. #WeAreEMILY

What’s @amyklobuchar’s vision for the future?

“You aren’t just going to have *one* woman. You’re going to have different kinds of women that serve in office.

You have role models for so many people. And that’s going to matter.” #WeAreEMILY

EMILY’s List president @Schriock1 helped convince @ewarren to run for the Senate in 2012.

Ever since, Sen. Warren has been fighting for ~big, structural change~ to fundamentally redesign our government to work better for everyone. #WeAreEMILY

"You don’t get what you don’t fight for. I ran for president and I lost.

Ask me how sorry I am that I ran? NOT ONE BIT." — @ewarren #WeAreEMILY

"Running for office is the ultimate act of optimism." — Sen. @ewarren #WeAreEMILY

When EMILY’s List was founded 35 years ago, it would’ve been almost impossible to imagine MULTIPLE women running for president.

These four women changed that. And they’re changing politics for the better every single day. #WeAreEMILY

Cheers to 35 years! And cheers to (at least) 35 more!

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