Dan Kim, new cat dad Profile picture
He/him. Appa. Former infantry person. Current food/wine person. Equality for all, no exceptions. LFC. Oxford comma. 2 spaces. The Confederates were all traitors

Jul 28, 2020, 16 tweets

Who doesn’t like pork chops? Or homemade teriyaki sauce? #CookingForLieutenants will be back by popular demand later tonight.

2. Standard disclaimer: I started this as a thread of cooking instruction for people in their 20s who were a bit clueless in their first kitchens, so the recipes are simple by necessity. With that said, however, simple ≠ a lack of flavor.

3. Tonight I used:
4 bone-in pork chops
1 head of broccoli
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup honey
2 tbsp corn starch & 2 tbsp water for a slurry

That’s it

4 Hopefully by now you’ve invested in a proper rice cooker, & are not following that BBC Food video of cooking rice in a saucepot like a heathen. Wash your rice until the water turns clear, then let your rice cooker or 8-year-old assistant do the rest.

5. Combine soy, water, honey, & corn starch slurry in a bowl. Add granulated garlic & onion to taste, then whisk together. Set aside.

6. Cut florets off the head of broccoli. What are you going to do with the stalk? Cut the skin off, then cut it into batons, of course.

7. Steam the broccoli, & yes, I over-cooked this batch, but with enough teriyaki sauce, I doubt my kids will mind. Nor will you.

8. Cut & season your pork.


9. Sear the pork in a screaming hot pan with oil - in this case, grapeseed oil, which has a higher smoke point than EVOO & isn’t nearly as heavy.

10. Flip the pork over after about 3 minutes, cover, & cook over low-medium heat for another 5-7 minutes.

11. Put your teriyaki sauce in a saucepot & heat over a medium flame. Whisk constantly, this is your desired consistency.

12. Put everything together. Optional: slice the pork for your kids. Drizzle teriyaki over everything. If you have kimchi, then feel free to put that out as an accompaniment. That kimchi thing goes without saying for almost any food.

13. Do your in-house critics approve? Yes? #winning

14. Finish that glass of Chardonnay you poured during step 8 but were too busy to drink.

15. Here endeth the lesson.

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