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MBBS by education, IAS officer by job. Painter, Singer, Contemporary Dancer, Calligrapher, Doodler & Culinarian by passion. Poet at heart. Views personal

Jul 29, 2020, 5 tweets

Thread: #Malaria is major health threat for #Bastar Divsn-thus @HealthCgGov initiated #MalariaMuktBastar Abhiyan in Jan’20

In #PhaseOne (Jan-Feb’20):

- 14.06 lakh people were tested
- 64,646 (4.6%) found +ve were gvn treatment & were followed up (1/5)

Follow-up of cases found +ve during #PhaseOne was done by slide test to ensure that they had completed the treatment.

As no. of #Malaria Cases is generally highest in monsoons in Bastar dvsn- #PhaseTwo of #MalariaMuktBastar Abhiyan was initiated in June’20 in all 7 distts(2/5)

During both phases of #MalariaMuktBastar :

- Door to door visits & #ActiveScreening done by #healthteams
-Stickers were pasted outside each covered house
-Treatment of all found +ve was started & cards were gvn for follow-up
-Great toe of person tested was marked wid ink (3/5)

To ensure treatment completion #empty_blister_packs of Antimalarial Drugs were also collected from patients.
Mitanins also ensured follow up.

During both phases of #MalariaMuktBastar
-source reduction activities
-IEC for 100% LLIN use
were also taken up. (4/5)

Durin ongoing #Phase2 of #MalariaMuktBastar :
-22.51 lakh hv bn screened (95% of targettd populatn)
-29,366 #Malaria +ves hv bn gvn treatment

Campaign has gvn encouraging results:

-in Ph 1- 4.6% of screened had Malarial parasite
-in Ph 2- positivity has declined to 1.3% (5/5)

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