Carrie Rose Profile picture
CEO + Founder of @riseatseven. global search-first creative agency and Drum dadi agency of the year Forbes #30under30 list! UK & NY US. Founded @DigitalPREx

Jul 30, 2020, 9 tweets

Latest campaign for Missguided ranks the top 50 Netflix series MOST likely to result in Chill 💦

And Breaking Bad tops the list 🔥…

This campaign features across the U.K. and US site to get links from the different territories and already landing on US screen rant and rolling stone , as well as U.K. daily star, metro and more

So how did we do it?

The Missguided Chill Score index has ranked 50 of the most popular TV series on Netflix based on its chance of landing ‘chill’.

Not the "bra off, hair up, PJ’s on", type of chill - but the 🍆💦 type of chill.

We created an index ‘chill score’ (out of 200) and ranked the Netflix series’ by combining five of the following factors:

Nudity: Ranked based on Netflix’s parental control levels:
💦- Mild
💦💦- Moderate
💦💦💦- Severe

Length (of the show): Because the longer the show, the more time there is to get distracted and ‘chill’.

IMDB rating: The better the show the higher the chill score

Hot Acts: How hot the main characters of each series are - based on Google search data of the "actors name + naked" (score out of 65)

Genre: Each genre gets a dedicated chill score - Horror has the highest.

The full ranking can be found here…

Now enjoy your next Netflix night on us

Well done to the Rise girls on landing links on this @theachippendale @lucy_appleton21

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