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Webby Award-winning Actor/Comedian/Podcaster • Mr. Rapp in @MeanGirls • @DeadEyespodcast 💀👁👁 • @TinyDinosPod 🦕 • @GLucasTalkShow • @RAAAATSCRAPS

Jul 30, 2020, 5 tweets

The thing is, he has gotten away with pretty much everything so far.

I'd like to think there is a point where that would come to an end, but it hasn't happened yet.

He has never faced ANY real consequences. He does whatever the fuck he wants. I've never even seen a single interview where someone effectively nails him on his bullshit and it makes any difference.

I have seen nothing to convince me that a man who openly, gleefully demonstrates that the rules do not apply to him, who still hasn't even been forced to turn over his tax returns, is going to suddenly stop getting away with all of it.

This sick motherfucker has supercharged a plague and shattered the economy.

Anyone enabling him had best be aware that this country has a breaking point that will make a few burning buildings and toppled Confederate statues seem like a pleasant springtime memory.

We cannot think of Trump the way he thinks of COVID-19.

He will not just disappear. "One day, like a miracle."

We have to make him go away. We need to make sure that he is not only removed from power but also held accountable for what he has done.

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