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Writer, Editor & Culture critic. Loves classical music, dance, traditional food. वेदः मम जीवनम्।Author - https://t.co/XWFr3sBSVP

Jul 31, 2020, 11 tweets

On this auspicious #ShravanaShukravaaram morning when all the devout are observing #VaraLakshmiVratam...

3rd century BC, Sanchi Stupa, North Thoranam, Goddess Gaja Lakshmi.

May she bless everyone with good health!


Will post a short thread of images of some of my most favourite temples of Goddess Lakshmi.

Starting with Goddess Alamelu Manga Devi of Alamelumanga Puram or Tiruchanoor.

ॐ महादेव्यै च विद्महे विष्णुपत्नी च धीमहि 
तन्नो लक्ष्मीः प्रचोदयात् ..


The gorgeous Goddess Ranganayaki Thaayar of Sri Rangam! 😍😍😍

The powerful Goddess Mahalaxmi of Kholapur in Maharashtra! ☺️🙏☺️

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु लक्ष्मीरूपेण संस्थिता । 
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥


Goddess Komalavalli Thaayar of Thirukudanthai 😍😍😍


Goddess Perundevi Thaayar of Kanchipuram! 😍😍😍


Goddess Yadugiri Thaayar of Thirunarayanapuram or Melukote in Karnataka. 😍😍😍

Goddesses Senkamala Thaayar and Shenbagavalli Thaayar of Mannargudi.



Goddess Hemambujavalli Thaayar of Thiruvaheendrapuram.



Goddess Vedavalli Thaayar of Thiruvallikeni! 😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏

May the goddess of prosperity bring in good health to everyone!

That is the only wealth in these times! 🙏🙏🙏

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