Tom Holland Profile picture
New translation of Suetonius out now! Dinosaur lover. ‘A leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory

Jul 31, 2020, 13 tweets

A very happy wedding anniversary to ⁦@sadieholland67⁩. 27 joyous years!

Where else? (And specifically Dozmary Pool on Bodmin Moor, home of the Lady of the Lake, into which Sir Bedivere threw Excalibur...)

To @NationalGallery - there to party like it’s 2019!

The new normal...

Tiberius 2 #Suetonius

The first time I came to @NationalGallery, I was torn between admiration for St Michael’s sassy Roman vibe, & disapproval that he seemed to have killed a dinosaur

It was in this room that @sadieholland67 was told off for breastfeeding our infant eldest...

Belshazzar very much has the look of a 1st class cricketer who bowled tidy off spin & batted at 7 in the 80s...

Naturally, we have focussed principally on #midwives #NationalGallery

And cats... #NationalGallery

And cricket. #NationalGallery

We round things off by being the first people to sit at a table in Andrew Edmunds since lockdown. A lovely day!

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