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In Financial Markets since 2014 Premium group: https://t.co/h07LAeAOEd Analyst: @BecauseBitcoin Trader: @BBWealthMGMT NEWSLETTER 👇

Aug 1, 2020, 5 tweets

look great for a bounce here from an HTF area with an LTF three drives pattern.

Keep it simple.

The first target is shown. It's a heavy resistance area #COTI

Entry hit, pretty nice bounce so far.

Exactly what we wanted to see 😎


Really nice trade we had on

The price moved up to our target without any real obstacle.

As always I recommend taking some profits and move them into something else leaving the rest for more upside.

Yeah, that's a beauty! #COTI

Those who were not scared by the big dip and bought the bottom with me are now nicely in profit by 50% 🔥

As always friendly reminder to take some profits off and move it into something that hasn't moved yet

Two 100% calls made on #COTI

I recommend taking profits here.

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