Josie Huang Profile picture
Reporter for @KPCC + @LAist

Aug 2, 2020, 6 tweets

View of the Apple fire from the h.s. in Beaumont, where the Am Red Cross has set up a covid-era evacuation center.

Because of covid, #AppleFIRE evacuees can’t sleep at the high school. No cots have been set up. Instead Am Red Cross volunteers are trying to get them hotel rooms

The #AppleFIRE forced this couple to evacuate from their Cherry Valley home.

They were asked to socially distance in the gym as they waited for a hotel room.

#AppleFIRE has visibly climbed higher up the hills to this untrained eye, no doubt fanned by the high temps. I can’t imagine what the firefighters are enduring right now.

#Applefire, browner and higher

Latest on #AppleFire & how covid is remaking how evacuees are being helped.

Cal Fire spox says fire is 12% contained at moment but has high potential to grow bc of high temps, low humidity and plenty of dried vegetation on hillsides, or "fuel beds."…

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