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"I wish her well." - Donald Trump to sex trafficking rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell - 7/21/2020 Ghislaine Maxwell found Guilty! 12/29/2021

Aug 2, 2020, 15 tweets

#EpsteinAssociates and brothers, Jonathan Barrett and Anthony Barrett are both involved in the real estate dealings surrounding not only Jeffrey Epstein but Leslie Wexner. They feature in the 301 E 66th section of the black book.…

Jonathan was asset manager of J. Epstein & Co (later renamed Financial trust co) from 1992-1996. During that same period he was listed as VP/CFO of Ossa Properties, a real estate firm with ties to Leslie Wexner/Jeffrey Epstein and his brother Mark Epstein.

Ossa was an affiliate of J. Epstein and Co. which was the vehicle that was used to handle Wexner's money.

Wexner sold the 301 building to Mark Epstein after a tip from his brother...

It also used Epstein's 457 madison address on filings

The 301 mansion I would argue is equally as bad if not worse than Little St. James. This is where his victims were housed inprisoned you might say. This was the launching/landing pad for many of the travelers on the jets. Multiple Epstein associates fill the suites

Go Joseph! 👍

Fuckstick brother Mark Epstein's linkedin shows him as owner of Ossa Properties from 1992 til the present.

We all remember how Wexner bought his other NYC mansion, the 9 east 71st st. place and handed it over to Epstein. The OH address being Wexners.

In 2011 the deed was transferred to Maple inc another Epstein llc, using the 301 E addy/Mark Epstein's building, for free.

The 41 south Ohio address also shared by Wexner's former yacht captain, Craig Tafoya. Thread on him here.

It's all very complicated, hopefully this short thread and story will help.…

Jonathan, sadly, as I've seen with many former/current Epstein connected people works for organizations that deal with children. Which is horrific in my view.

He's current President of Luminus Management which has offices in New York and Houston, TX

Luminus features in the offshore leaks. The 14F suite is used as former addresses by not just both brothers but a few other relatives of theirs.

Anthony is very intertwined with his brother and Mark Epstein's Ossa properties. He's still has it as his present company to this day.

In some places he's listed as President of Ossa properties and others as head officer, using the 301 address.

Reusing a screenshot from up thread shows that the deed transferred in 2011 used Suite 10F from the 301 building. 10F is listed as one of Jeffrey Epstein's old addresses

Aside from Ossa, Anthony had another company named Bantry Holdings inc. that was dissolved back in 2009.

The Barrett family originally comes from South Africa. Epstein has a few victims, employees that are from there including recently subpoenaed, former LSJ caretakers, Miles and Cathy Alexander.

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