XVIII Airborne Corps & Fort Bragg Profile picture
We are America’s Contingency Corps!

Aug 4, 2020, 5 tweets

Since it's #XVIIIABCHeraldryWeek our #TuesdayTrivia is related to heraldry...and it's a tough one!

What active Corps component has elements going back to the some of the oldest regiments in the @USArmy - but coats of arms only about half that age?

First hint at 9:30AM!

First hint: Both regiments’ coats of arms reflect their service in 6 conflicts – but not all the same conflicts. Next hint at 10:00 AM!


Second hint: Both regiments have a very responsible Social Distancing motto. Next hint at 11AM!!!

Ok, final hints. If you're in @10MTNDIV, you should be close to figuring this out. One of these 2 regiments was led by a [military] governor, the other by 3 presidents! They’re based in Louisiana & one regimental commander helped explore the Louisiana Purchase.

Reveal at noon!

No one got it! The answer: @10MTNDIV's @3_10MTNPatriots. The 2nd Battalions of 2D Inf Regiment & 4th Infantry Regiments are both maintained w/in 3-10 IBCT. Here's the heraldry [2nd on Left, 4th on Right]. The 2D’s Lion represent the War of 1812; 4th’s “Fluer-de-Lis” = WWI

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