Ross Simmonds Profile picture
Founder of @FoundationIncCo - We work with some of the top SaaS & Cloud companies in the world | Author of Bestseller “Create Once. Distribute Forever.”

Aug 4, 2020, 16 tweets

The Gig economy is real and @fiverr is winning.
They're not just selling $5 gigs. Avg spend is $177.

Some facts:
2.5 million buyers in Q1 2020
$107 M revenue (+42%)
43M /yr organic visits
58M backlinks
$3.5B market cap

Why are they winning? A great content engine.

Thousands of people every day use Google to find:

Logo designers, photo editors, video editors, voice over services, photo corrections, website designers and more.

Fiverr strives capture all of this demand by matching the searchers up with supply (sellers) using their site.

In Q1, 2.5 million users bought services through Fiverr.

The number of services they offer through their marketplace is robust and ridiculously impressive.

From Anime Music Videos to App Store Optimization -- There's a Fiverr service for everything.

Fiverr doesn't recreate the wheel for every service page.

Each landing page follows a standard format:

> Page titles based on search intent & user goal
> User focused buying experience
> H1s describing the service
> Beautiful URL structure
> Conversion driven nav

This "Logo Design" page works wonders for Fiverr:

> Generates 800,000+ visits / year
> Ranks for 2,600+ keywords
> Has earned 1,800+ links
> Converts like hot cakes

Check it out:…

From H1s & H2s to Titles & Descriptions; the keyword density across this page prioritizes primary keywords.

This isn't true just for the logo page. It's the same method applied for HR Consulting, Photo Editing & more.

Optimized for both robots & customers.

I know many marketers think content marketing just means "SEO", "landing pages" and "blog posts" but it also means video content and influencer marketing.

That's an area where Fiverr is thriving.

52% of their social traffic is from YouTube.

This is a MASSIVE opportunity.

There's a meme-esque phenomenon happening on YouTube where creators pay multiple people on Fiverr for services and compare the work.

Some of these videos have millions of views.

It's called the Fiverr Challenge.

It turn out...

Many of them are ads.

Fiverr has hired a handful of YouTubers who have built a reputation as "Video editors", "Graphic designers" and even "Shoe designers" to create these videos.

This one is titled:

I Paid a Stranger $25 to edit my Pizza Commercial

It has 10M views.

Here's where the referral traffic comes in.

In the description (and in the video) of these influencer videos there are call to actions driving viewers to the pages of the professionals on Fiverr who did the work.

Thousands of clicks per video.

Look at this description:

Here's where it gets even more interesting! 🚀

Fiverr doesn't just pay these influencers to promote their product and help them create interesting content.

They also have an affiliate program that helps amplify their content marketing engine even further.

Yay Incentives 💰

Did you catch all the logos on that last tweet?

Most assume that Fiverr is JUST a marketplace.

But the team has actually built an impressive moat that goes beyond the fact that they connect supply & demand.

They also sell:

Agency services
Invoice software
Online courses

At the same time...

Fiverr still embraces the fundamentals.

The company consistently publishes content on both their blog along with more in-depth content via a section called "Guides"

> How to promote your business
> How to sell products online
> What is automation

When you combine all of the above there's no question that Fiverr is building both a brand & SEO moat.

> It's owning brand search on YouTube
> It's owning high value keywords
> It's going long tail with blog posts
> It's landing pages are gold…

But more than anything:

Fiverr has ignored the haters and have built a thriving content engine around a growing business. Marketers often laugh at Fiverr as a competitor but don't be surprised as Fiverr continues to go up market.

Later this year, @FoundationIncCo & I will be going deeper to break down how Fiverr has unlocked growth through content. We'll cover the:

> SEO strategy
> Influencer marketing
> YouTube optimization
> Search intent of users

And more. Don't miss it:

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