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"I wish her well." - Donald Trump to sex trafficking rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell - 7/21/2020 Ghislaine Maxwell found Guilty! 12/29/2021

Aug 5, 2020, 16 tweets

This reddit user has done a great job uncovering this #EpsteinAssociate, Pamela Boulet, a former personal assistant to Jean Luc-Brunel who worked at the Karin models agency for 15 years

I don't know if he/she is on twitter so apologies for the lack of h/t…

She shows up in a Brunel's circled black book listing with 3 numbers and an email address.

In this story it alludes to her working for a modeling agency in Paris for 15 years.

In 1994 she marries Frenchman, Bertrand Boulet. In the wedding announcement it's confirmed that she indeed worked for Karin Models as "an assistant to the director"…

A picture of them and a few of their companies.

She graduated from Wellesley College in 87 and worked for PR firm PKM where she went to Paris, married, and decided to stay there.

Later on she became a member of President Obama's campaign finance comm and a "Hillraiser" in 2016…

PKM made news a few years back when they dropped client, The Weinstein Company, of course owned by convicted rapist, Harvey Weinstein.

She helps students with this site, Alma Mater education which bills itself as an "Exclusive, Personalized and Tailor-Made approach to guide and advise our candidates step by step through the University as well as Boarding School Admissions Process."

I haven't run into her name in Epstein court documents, although there is this Evelyn Boulet on a few flight logs. I'm not sure if they are related or not.

Speaking of Evelyn's connected to Brunel/Epstein. This other assistant of Jean-Luc's who worked at his Epstein funded modeling agency, MC2, was in charge of VISAS for foreign girls they were trafficking from all over the world.

This picture is very interesting for two reasons. Heather Mncuhin, Steve Mnuchin's ex-wife, and silicon valley venture capitalist, Juliet De Baubigny.

Juliet was head of recruitment and hiring at Kleiner Perkins. She was the one who invited Ghislaine to a 2011 holiday party made famous recently after former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao's tweet.

In 2015, Juliet denied claims made in Ellen Pao's discrimination suit in which Ellen has said she told her Ajit Nazre (whom the claims were based on) was a "sex addict"…

Heather Mnuchin is interesting because her husband, Steve Mnuchin, as we learned in this DailyBeast story from last year, was the point person for Brunel's other modeling agency Next Management.……

Steve saw no problem with this even shortly after this explosive 60 minute segment where it exposed Jean-Luc Brunel as the rapist/trafficker he is.…

A few corrections PMK not PKM* and the dash in the wrong place for Jean-Luc in the first post. I had to do it on the quick after I got flagged for spam for trying to tweet the thread in full at first and lost all of it 😒

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