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Founder and President of @YATPOfficial. 2020 Vice Presidential Bronze Medalist. Suspected Jew.

Aug 9, 2020, 6 tweets

#RyanWhitaker was shot and killed by the police in Phoenix, Arizona on May 21st of this year.

A neighbor called the police about a noise complaint, stating, "It could be physical. I could say yeah if that makes anybody hurry it up. Get anybody here faster."

What could have been a much simpler police call, ended in needless and horrific tragedy.

Ryan and his girlfriend were “making salsa and playing Crash Bandicoot”, according to Ryan’s girlfriend, and confirmed by the bodycam footage of the officers.

The cops knocked on Ryan’s door with a quick shout, (likely inaudible from inside). The officers stood on each side of the door, concealing themselves from view. Late at night, Ryan opened the door with a firearm in hand, held toward the ground, presumably fearing for his safety.

Noticing the gun, the officers yelled "HANDS!”, and Ryan attempted to get down on the ground. One of the officers, Jeff Cooke, shot him twice in the back after Ryan had already dropped the gun and put his hands up.

Two months later, bodycam footage was released showing a man well within his right to defend his home. Ryan was a law abiding citizen, murdered by the police.

As of yet, no arrests have been made. No warrants have been served. Law enforcement agents need to be held to the same standard the rest of us are held to.

Stories like Ryan’s happen too often, and they need to come to an end.
#EndQualifiedImmunity #JusticeForRyanWhitaker

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