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Was a Arms Research & Occasional Effortposter. Interested in MENA/Asia NSAGs

Aug 10, 2020, 10 tweets

[THREAD] On the latest ISIS #Khayr video as regards equipment and TTPs.

Much of the video is filler regarding the SDF, the West, and Coronavirus, but there are some points to note.


The video essentially shows a collection of low level IED, shooting, and burning attacks against the SDF, civilians, etc.

Unlike in regime areas, and some parts of Iraq, NE Syria has been able to keep down IS ops with direct coalition operations and support for the SDF


So we get the typical view of IED manufacture and use here, which whilst low level does show there is an amount of retained capability by IS fighters locally, some of which have been there since the area was taken by SDF, and some of which have moved into the area.


Only one RPG attack is carried out. It is interesting to see the warheads being unpacked/removed from a cache, showing Bulgarian/Russian OG-7V, PG-7VM/S, and boosters.


Vehicle burnings too, note the individual on the right with the highly symbolic AKS-74U. Note the muzzle device has been removed, sometimes evident of an inexperienced user but probably because IS usually suppress their AKS-74U in these situations.


Speaking of AKS-74U, here is a single unit (on two seperate occasions) showing with a GoPro-type camera attached to the handguard and suppressed (Often used for driveby assasinations and raids), and without it's suppressor being used for a killing.


At this point it's worth noting that the emerged IS insurgency in SDF areas seems to have developed a clear "style" that's closely related to but different to the classic IS-Iraq TTPs and appearance. Beretta M1934/35 seen here. All rather low level incidents.


One (most) notable part of the video is this incident which happened near Shuhayl in mid Feb, in which 3 were killed and IS militants managed to destroy an SDF Humvee in broad daylight. Note potent PG-7VL.


The video ends with a collection of bay'ahs from the small IS cells (Some of them, of course) in the area. Despite the fact that these cells are rather weak compared to other areas in Syria, they are still able to inflict damage.


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