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Aug 10, 2020, 6 tweets

Excess deaths during #covid19 pandemic (

Week 9-31 sum of weekly z-scores:

#1 England 205.57
#2 Spain 187.40
#3 Belgium 118.94
#4 Sweden 103.54
#5 Netherlands 102.12
#6 Italy 95.75
#7 Scotland 86.17
#8 France 69.96
#9 Portugal 57.16

Of these countries, only Portugal, Spain continue to add deaths. This could represent a resurgance in Covid-19 not seen in the official death numbers.

Belgium and Sweden have an excess mortality, but rather low.

(week 30 pictured)

Spain was the country that had the highest peak.

But England so far have the highest total relative excess mortality.

France have basically have lower than expected deaths since May 1st.

Sweden stands out as registering excess deaths for the longest time (20 weeks).

Looking at the total, the Covid pandemic in western Europe was basically over in excess deaths already in June.

The threat of new outbreaks is present, but the rampant community spread that lead to elderly in care homes and at home dying in large numbers are hopefully behind us.

Portugal has been added to the list of countries, as they have registered a significant excess mortality for 4 weeks straight.

There have been small bumps other summers, but not to this extent. Official Covid deaths or cases in Portugal are not up.

Spain also trending upwards.

The data is available here:…

DM if you want editing access and help out in adding data.

Suggestions for improvements welcome.

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