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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Aug 11, 2020, 7 tweets

KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha is this morning on @ntvkenya speaking on the sustainable management of post-consumer plastic in Kenya.

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KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha - A number of countries have in place fantastic systems, built over time, to help in waste recycling. We based our #PlasticsActionPlan on best practice from around the world, which we have incorporated locally.


KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - We need to make waste disposal systematic by engaging all stakeholders. KAM works with @Environment_Ke, @NemaKenya and county governments to develop a uniform method of sustainable waste management across the country.


KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha - Manufacturers play a key role in the waste recycling value chain. They have come up with initiatives that help to reduce waste in our environment, by giving it value, thus creating jobs in the waste value chain.


KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - We are on the right path in developing policies in regard to waste management, particularly plastic. Previously, we had a general policy but we're now moving to develop specific policies for different types of waste.


KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - I urge government to involve all stakeholders, including consumers, environmentalists and manufacturers in developing these policies.


KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - We need to implement a circular economy, where we do not allow waste to go out into the environment. This will ensure that all materials in the value chain continue to give us value.


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