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Sep 19th 2020
What an amazing day it was!
#KAMSectors #TrashRightRecycle Image
KAM in partnership with Kiambu County and Takataka ni mali held a Clean Up Activity in Kamenu Sub county (phase 4 and 9) #KAMSectors #TrashRightRecycleRight ImageImageImage
As KAM, we remain committed to ensuring that we protect the environment through championing for policies that promote waste management particularly sorting, collection and recycling. #TrashRightRecycle #KAMSectors ImageImage
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Sep 3rd 2020
The implementation of the Kenya Plastics Action Plan was part of our candid discussion with @NemaKenya DG Mamo B. Mamo at a meeting held yesterday.

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The #PlasticsActionPlan launched last year, is a private sector-led Policy and Action Plan that seeks to enable a circular economy for the environmentally sustainable use and recycling of plastics in Kenya…

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Speaking at the meeting with @NemaKenya , KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha emphasized that the role of the manufacturing sector in the circular economy rests in sustainable waste management and Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes

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Aug 13th 2020
Earlier today, KAM, led by Chair @MucaiKunyiha and CEO @wakiaga_phyllis visited Tech Pak Industries Limited, a manufacturer of packaging and recyclable, convenience & hygiene food service products in Kenya.

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KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - To enable us to reach our plastic recycling targets as part of our commitments in the Kenya Plastic Action Plan, we need to encourage waste segregation at the household level.

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Tech Pak Industries Managing Director, Minal Shah - We recognise the importance of environmental protection & comply with environmental regulations and approved codes of practice. We also use recycled material to manufacture some of our products.

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Aug 11th 2020
KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha on @ntvkenya - We are putting up an Extended Producer Responsibility Organization (EPR), to provide a platform for manufacturers to take back plastic, ensuring it does not go into the environment.

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KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - The EPR organization shall create a value chain of waste collectors & recyclers as well as promote innovation in sustainable waste management in the country.

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KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - Manufacturing has proven to be resilient. We have not had a shortage of essential supplies during the pandemic. We have kept supply chains moving. Different industries have, however, been impacted differently.

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Aug 11th 2020
KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha is this morning on @ntvkenya speaking on the sustainable management of post-consumer plastic in Kenya.

Follow the conversation here>>

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KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha - A number of countries have in place fantastic systems, built over time, to help in waste recycling. We based our #PlasticsActionPlan on best practice from around the world, which we have incorporated locally.

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KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - We need to make waste disposal systematic by engaging all stakeholders. KAM works with @Environment_Ke, @NemaKenya and county governments to develop a uniform method of sustainable waste management across the country.

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Jun 3rd 2020
Earlier today, KAM Leadership led by Chair @GudkaSachen, Vice-Chair @MucaiKunyiha & CEO @wakiaga_phyllis met @Environment_Ke PS @Kiptoock to discuss sustainability measures & the impact of #COVID19KE on industry's environmental obligations.

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KAM Chair @GudkaSachen - #COVID19KE has caused financial constraints on businesses & stakeholders in the waste value chain with SMEs being the most affected.

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We are committed to supporting tree planting initiatives across the country & collaborating with stakeholders in the timber and paper value chain. This will ensure industries can have adequate, sustainably managed raw materials - KAM Chair @GudkaSachen

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Jun 2nd 2020
KAM has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bakers Association of Kenya to manage post-consumer plastic bread bag waste in the country.

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Under the partnership, KAM and Bakers Association shall work with stakeholders across the waste management value chain to promote a circular economy in the country.

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KAM Vice-Chair @MucaiKunyiha - We are optimistic of achieving a circular economy due to the vibrant & innovative waste management value chain in Kenya, as well as the goodwill of our partners and stakeholders in keeping our environment clean.

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Jan 28th 2020
KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - KAM champions the adoption of critical tenets of sustainable development and green growth. We aim to actualize a circular economy to meet the needs of the current generation without jeopardizing the lives of future generations.

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Investments in new avenues of social income have become the driving force for new interventions in waste management. Such initiatives will play a huge role in driving the growth of Kenya’s waste management sector - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

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KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - The launch of Sunlight Scourers 100% Recycled Can is a great step by Unilever Kenya in promoting Kenya’s circular economy.

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Nov 15th 2019
KAM lead by Deputy Head of Policy @mchepchumba has met with a delegation of Japan Private Sector Members courtesy of the Japan International Cooperation Agency Kenya (JICA) to discuss the development of a model for recycling PET Bottles

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Speaking on behalf of JICA Kenya, Tomofumi Tobe VP Tobe Shoji Ltd said, 'We want to support the development of a circular economy in Kenya. We also want to enhance the value and revenue of the PET market. '

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We have started a pilot project to support the Kenya Recycling sector, with a focus on technologies that manufacturing PET flakes of high-grade value - Tomofumi Tobe Shoji Ltd (JICA)

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Nov 12th 2019
Earlier today, KAM held a meeting with @Environment_Ke to deliberate on the formulation of the Kenya Plastics Action Plan

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#KAMPlasticsActionPlan provides an opportunity for the private sector to establish a collective position & propose solutions on plastic pollution. It's a strategic avenue that if implemented would significantly build Kenya’s plastics recycling sector

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#KAMPlasticsActionPlan will provide an enabling circular economy for the environmentally sustainable use and recycling of plastics in Kenya

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Nov 7th 2019
A circular economy is such a buzz word. It is such an industry term. It is not only about responsible consumption but production - Haley Lowry @DowNewsroom Global Sustainability & End Use Marketing Dir

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Times are changing and business models are also changing. It is an exciting time to be in industry, as we go into a circular economy - Haley Lowry @DowNewsroom Global Sustainability & End Use Marketing Dir

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Plastic is too valuable to waste. We need to address the infrastructure deficit. We can not do this alone, we need to have consumer and customer involved - Haley Lowry @DowNewsroom Global Sustainability & End Use Marketing Dir

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Nov 7th 2019
This evening, @DowNewsroom is hosting the Customer Event - Africa Talk Advancing a Circular Economy in Africa

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Speaking at the event KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis highlighted - Circular economy aims to eradicate waste—not just from manufacturing processes, but systematically, throughout the life cycles and uses of products and their components

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A huge opportunity remains in the development of a waste management & recycling industry. This would lead to a Circular Economy where environmental and economic concerns converge for the good of all - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

#TrashRightRecycleRight Image
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