Maïa Dunphy Profile picture
Broadcaster, writer, happy wrangler of small boy. Queries/ weird requests: Instagram: @maiadunphy

Aug 12, 2020, 13 tweets

These three boxes contain the memories I chose to keep when my parents sold their house 7 years ago. Going through them to see if I can let anything go.... #wishmeluck

First boyfriend’s school jumper. Jaysus!

Shirt from last day of 6th class! What will I ever do with this stuff?!

Sizeable Smurf collection:

Patrick Kavanagh essay, written at 15. Was obsessed with the man . No idea why I included a cover page with a map. 🤣 Also not sure if that’s an A minus or an A hyphen.

@U2 Zooropa programme! Complete with Zoo Ecu currency. My first gig. ❤️

Uh oh...

I was always very mature...

Good God! I wrote this at 16. Bit harsh... 😬

A tiny clutch belonging to my Granny! ❤️Powder and blush in one side, and room for cigs in the other!


Cabbage Patch Doll adoption papers. I think I can let these go...

And I have hundred and HUNDREDS of letters. From the days when we all used to write to each other. ❤️

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