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always speak your truth.

Aug 12, 2020, 13 tweets

Unidentified and unanswered people/questions from the day of:
#MahaGovtBackingKillers #CBIForSSR

1. Who are these two?

2. If #RheaChakraborty walked into the crime scene in front of the cameras, why does the #MumbaiPolice report say she was in the house? I have heard this on TV news so don’t know if the report actually says so. #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

3. Who is the guy in the blue T-shirt? He is not the same as the blue shirt guy. #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

4. Why are all ppl handling the deceased’s body not wearing gloves? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

5. Similarly people at #CooperHospital not wearing gloves while handling body? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

6. This one is an obvious question. Why were there 2 ambulances called? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

7. Maybe I am not able to see it, but is that an empty gun holster? Is it common to not have gun while reporting to crime scene? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

8. If this was immediately declared as a suicide, why the unusually large no. of cops deployed here? In the midst of corona, why would you deploy valuable force to a mere suicide body collection scene? Traffic can be controlled by 5-6 cops. #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

9. What is the need for an ambulance operator to walk to a constable at the gate to discuss something serious? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

10. If there are so many police officers present, why are there so many non uniformed personnel in close proximity of the body & touching the body? Bald guy? Who is he? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

11. Need for #RheaChakraborty to speak to ambulance guy in pink cap? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

12. If #SandipSingh arrived in time with #MituSingh at #CooperHospital for body identification, it means he already knew that body was being taken to Cooper. Or else he would have landed up at Leelavati? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

13. Is this the point when #SandipSingh & #MaheshShetty entered? If yes, the body was definitely taken down by then. How can Sandip claim that he stood outside the room while police were inside & noticed the height of room? #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers

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