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Aug 12, 2020, 18 tweets

Another Proud Boys hate group affiliate who participated in the deadly 2017 UTR neo-Nazi rally at #Cville is neo-confederate slavery apologist Andrew Duncomb aka "Black Rebel", who has recently been active in the PNW.

Duncomb has recently been showing up to pro-Trump "flag wave" events organized by "Sandy Backs The Blue" along with Alan Swinney and other associates of the neo-fascist Proud Boys hate group.

Without mentioning his participation in the deadly neo-Nazi rally at #Cville, Duncomb has attempted even to deny his self-documented history with the Proud Boys hate group. Kudos to the Sandy Post for this subtle masterpiece of side-eye 👀…

"It is unknown if Duncomb ever personally associated with the group..."

"...unknown if Duncomb ever personally..."

"... if Duncomb ever..."

The fascist Proud Boys hate group, with which both Duncomb & Swinney are associated had a pivotal role in organizing the deadly 2017 Unite The Right neo-Nazi rally in #Cville

Longtime alt-right agitator & Proud Boys associate Alan Swinney continues to organize for fascist violence with explicit racists & neo-Nazis.

In 2019, leaked chats exposed Swinney & other fascist members of the Proud Boys hate group organizing for aggressive violence & murder

Swinney consistently uses the all-too-familiar far-right strategy of aggressively attempting to provoke conflict with decent people so that his violence against them can be thinly-framed as "defensive"

It should also be noted that the leaked chats were organized by neo-Nazi Michael Moura, who put Alan Swinney in charge of "Security"

"Sandy Backs The Blue" organizers such as small business owner Dixie Bailey have made half-hearted gestures toward disavowing the alt-right fascists recruiting for violence at their events, but have made no serious efforts to exclude them.

Aside from his association with multiple fascist & neo-confederate hate groups, & his participation in the deadly Nazi rally at #Cville; Duncomb has consistently posted death threats & also participated in violent Patriot Prayer actions.

Duncomb has recently been coordinating with Patriot Prayer white nationalist Haley Adams, who always organizes with alt-right neo-Nazis & Holocaust deniers.

Here Patriot Prayer white nationalist Haley Adams congratulates Duncomb on his appearance on disgraced alt-right neo-Nazi propagandist Milo Yiannopoulos' webcast this week.…

Duncomb is also a close associate of violent alt-right white nationalist Kyle Chapman, aka Based Stickman, who has celebrated the violence & murder at the 2017 Unite The Right neo-Nazi rally in #Cville.

Having participated in far-right & neo-Nazi organizing for years, Duncomb understands & approves of the way his tokenization provides cover for racist & fascist harassment & violence.

Today is the three year anniversary of the horrific and deadly Unite The Right neo-Nazi rally at #Cville. Unrepentant alt-right organizers who helped perpetrate that atrocity present an ongoing threat to our communities & are unwelcome.

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