Hilary Abernathay Profile picture
If only we'd started to care about evidence, truth, and data before aeroplanes started to fall out of the sky. Who needs regulation eh?

Aug 13, 2020, 9 tweets

On LBC 8.27 13/8 Headteacher.

"I have one child we assessed as A A B
which the Government has re-assessed as A A E

How on earth do I justify that?"

This is NOT a Government.

It's a CABAL which
🔹promises everything,
🔹does nothing,
🔹harms or kills people,
🔹pays cash to its mates with dodgy purchase orders
🔹And then blames anyone can for the mess it created.

NOT lastminute. com
lostopportunity. com
Kakistocracy. com

The unelected unaccountable bureaucrat leading the Cabal is apparently a
"Communications Expert"

Maybe I need an eyesight test, but that should mean, "coherent, consistent, clear"

But what it seems to mean is, "confusing, unprepared, unaccountable, arse covering"

Too many are turning a blind eye to the catastrophic failings of this Government due to Brexit.

That's like ignoring the crimes of a serial killer because he was a kindly old Doctor called Shipman

Just think of this obscene ridiculous unaccountable behaviour.

Yesterday, the "Government" was warning of a "reaction" to the A-Level results on #ResultsDay. It called for "robust defence" of its policy.

A different rule for normal people is, "You break it, you bought it"

Now step back and realise AAB -> AAE applies to everything else.

And you think that list is just Covid and Brexit?

Look longer. You won't believe how long its got.

And then go look at that "Communications Expertise?"

Are they spending 100s of millions of our money well?

You know the answer.


If you're wondering where this is all going, you might want to read this related thread.

If you're wondering how we got here, let me remind you this is the same Government whose strategy is to

"use your kids like taps to control the virus".

Writing screaming from Wall


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