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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Aug 13, 2020, 19 tweets

Long important thread alert. Today, trump gave away the game again. He is actively working to destroy the sanctity of a free American election by undermining the USPS. He admitted it and now Congress must act to #Impeach him for it.

We have the chance for a new America.
To have the America we think America is. We have the chance to decide who we are as a nation. We have been given that chance by the most brazenly corrupt president in our history.

trump has gaslit the nation into believing in his image of success. He built a character. It is a facade. He is cosplaying what a child would think was a successful businessman turned president. Because he is still a child. His niece told us.

He is a beer commercial. He uses our history as props in his show. He doesn’t respect the fight that resulted in civil rights speeches given in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He just wants the photo op.

He doesn’t care about your beliefs. He gassed us. He dispersed peaceful protestors to get a photo op with an unopened bible in front of a church he does not attend.

He is literally telling us he will not fund the constitutionally mandated USPS because they will bring millions of ballots to voters. He would not try to stop people from voting if he thought they were voting for him.

He knows he can’t win without cheating. He told us in the first election ‘it’s rigged folks’ but this truth among the lies was not heeded. He was rigging it the last time. By not expanding mail-in voting during a pandemic and not funding the USPS, he is rigging it now. #Impeach

He created a system where the professionals in charge of democratic institutions have been forced out, fired, relieved of duties, some simply could not take anymore of the nefarious activities and had to leave. Replaced by true believers. Those who would do his bidding. #Impeach

Former chief of Staff John Kelly said as much when he told trump ‘not to hire a yes man, you’ll be impeached.’ He hired a yes man in Mick Mulvaney and he was indeed impeached. He deserves to be impeached again. #Impeach

The GOP let him off. For them, it’s not about trump trampling the institutions, it was about judges and undoing anything done by Obama. They stacked the courts with their ideology for generations. It’s a smash and grab on women’s rights, civil rights, lgbtqa rights. #Impeach

In so doing, they sold their souls. They sold out our country. Just as Judge Sullivan said about Michael Flynn. trump acts as a narcissist with a personality disorder. A toddler sits in the most powerful position in the world. Are we truly acquiescing to this?

A country founded on the principled stance that a tyrant will not stand here. We shall have no kings. We decide our own fate as a free society. We do not bend the knee. We the people decide. And it is decision time.

Do we want more of this? Do we want soldiers and unknown, unnamed, unaccountable paramilitary troops in our streets? Do we want to see protestors forced to make hostage videos denouncing peaceful protests like we have seen in Belarus?

Is that the America we are? Is that the role we wish to play? Extras in a one man show? Do we want a cosplay president devoid of human empathy? Devoid of facts and incapable of executing the office he holds? America deserves better than that.

When you see a stain, you scrub it ‘til it’s gone. #Impeach trump for Obstruction of Justice, for failure to faithfully execute his Oath, for inviting and taking advantage of foreign influence in our elections. Impeach him for the high crime of not preserving our postal service.

Impeach him for the high crime of not protecting us from the coronavirus as is required by his Oath. Impeach him for the high crime of enriching himself through his office by charging tax payers for his golf trips to his properties.

Most importantly, Impeach him because it is our duty to do so. When democracy is under attack, the only ones who can save it is us. Congress has a duty to hold the Executive accountable.

I implore you to get in this fight. Call your Congress person, call your Senators. Tell them it is time to scrub this stain. It is time to impeach trump and his enablers. It is time to separate those who would do us harm from those who would see the republic survive.

United we stand, divided we fall. Impeachment is election security. It is time to rise up and stand united. Wear a mask, wash your hands, vote.

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