midnucas #FueraLUMA 🇵🇷 Profile picture
Colonial subject, not your "fellow American." He/él/ele/lui. Mastodon: https://t.co/QfP6jKKJac IG: https://t.co/pZqgCYrVw8

Aug 14, 2020, 6 tweets

Last night I thought #Mamala was the worst hashtag, but of course #MamalaHarris is just straightforwardly worse, like, cringe squared.

KHive stop telling Kamala Harris to suck it challenge #MamalaHarris

Exhibit #1: "I haven't been more enthusiastically excited since Obama. #SuckIt #KamalaHarris2020"


Exhibit #2: "If Mike Pence had a tail, it would be deeply tucked between his legs. #SuckIt"


Exhibit #3: "I'm a #WarrenDemocrat and I'm ready to #VoteBidenHarris2020. She got me at #SuckIt 😭"


Exhibit #4: "Maybe [Pence] can just call Kamala 'suck it' to feel better. 😃" #Mamala

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