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Aug 15, 2020, 19 tweets

Dixie Lea Bailey, co-owner of Mt Hood Cigar Co is currently at the Justice Center in PDX wearing armor & waving pro-cop flags alongside fascist Proud Boys hate group members, & Drew Duncomb, who participated in the deadly neo-Nazi rally at #cville. There are approx 20 of them.

Proud Boys hate group reject Alan Swinney, who was exposed in telegram chats plotting for aggressive violence & murder is also among the pathetic group of far-right & fascist agitators offering their support for the cops.

Patriot Prayer incel Skylor Jernigan, who threatened to carry out Jeremy Christian style murders in 2019, is also present at the "Patriot Flag Wave"……

Despite publicly organizing with alt-right white nationalists & issuing public death threats via social media, Skylor Jernigan appears to be employed by @Securitas_Group.

Haley Adams, an alt-right white nationalist member of Patriot Prayer is also out to show her support for PPB. Adams constantly organizes with overt neo-Nazis & holocaust deniers & spreads their propaganda at every opportunity.…

Mackenzie Lewis is Haley Adams' boyfriend. He has committed many assaults at Patriot Prayer events & is frequently mistaken for Haley's previous, similar boyfriend Nate, which leads to people encourage him to re-grow a beard he never had.

Reggie Axtell is a racist Patriot Prayer member & a reject from the fascist Proud Boys hate group. He is most famous for publicly threatening to murder Portland mayor Ted Wheeler.……

Trace Adams aka "Bohica P-Town" created a facebook event for his alt-right, white nationalist, & fascist friends to hold today's pro-cop, pro-Trump, "Flag Wave"

Quincy Franklin is a bigoted, alt-right hate preacher & domestic abuser who works for @portlandwater. He is very close with Patriot Prayer neo-Nazi Allen Pucket, and spreads neo-Nazi propaganda whenever he gets the chance…

Alan Swinney, a fascist Proud Boys hate group associate who organizes w neo-Nazis & white nationalists indiscriminately sprayed bear mace at people in downtown PDX today, as his fascist friends shot at people with paintball guns. PPB lets them play cops.

Lincoln City, OR neo-Nazi David Willis, who has committed many assaults at Patriot Prayer rallies, was also at today's violent pro-Trump "Flag Wave" where far-right & fascist PPB supporters assaulted Portlanders.…

Abortive PDX city council candidate & racist Patriot Prayer member Alyssa Vinsonhaler also made sure to come out for the pro-cop rally with her white nationalist & neo-Nazi friends.

Patriot Prayer extra Joseph Geraci was also... there.

22 year old James Patrick Harris is a friend of Drew Duncomb, who participated in the deadly neo-Nazi "Unite The Right" rally in #Cville. Typically Harris carries a large knife, but today he brought his sword to the pro-cop, pro-Trump rally with his fascist friends.

A post from Harris' social media indicates that he and a number of men he knows sincerely believed the ridiculous "ANTIFA BUSES" hoax which nearly led to racist mob violence & lynchings…;…

Gullible consumers of right wing media like James Harris are extremely useful to fascist organizers like Alan Swinney, Haley Adams, & Drew Duncomb, all of whom coordinate with neo-Nazis to organize bigoted violence.

Patriot Prayer Holocaust denier Gregory Isaacson really does his very best never to miss an opportunity to march around with violent fascists & neo-Nazis. Today was no exception.

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