Brett Bigham -I go by Mr B-the PhD is honorary. Profile picture
2014 Oregon Teacher of the Year-ECRA Ambassador-NEAF Global Fellow #AbilityGuidebooks-NNSTOY Social Justice Booklist #GlobalSPED Champion for LGBT youth.

Aug 17, 2020, 10 tweets

You have inspired me to tell a mom story @iamsurfe.

Twitter, I present a mom story.


Have you ever seen the movie The #Misfits?#MarilynMonroe's last film. Part was filmed at Harrahs in Reno. The employees were used as extras and had to work as they filmed. My mom dealt 21 on their big money table. My mom has a great story... (more)

The film, starred #MarilynMonroe, #MontgomeryClift and #ClarkGable. My mom did not want to be in the movie. The lights were hot, the make up was gross and they had to do the same things over and over again as they retook each shot. My mom says Marilyn was struggling... (more)

Mom says #MarilynMonroe was often late, didn't know her lines, & had to do multiple retakes over & over again. Then her make up would run or sweat would show on her dress, and they would break to change/make up. My mom hated it. (more)

As all my mom's friends were thrilled to be in a movie with Marilyn, my mom hates standing around. She said Marilyn was the most beautiful woman she has ever seen, but everyone had to stop and wait and stop and wait-So my mom would slither down under her table... (more)

She'd crawl her way behind the lights where she could hide behind a bank of slot machines. This is how my mom watched the filming-hidden away, peeking between the slot machines. Then one day a gravelly voice whispered in her ear, "What are you doing?" She just about died.

It was #ClarkGable. He was squatting down behind the slot machines peeking out to see what she was looking at. My mom explained why she was hiding, he said he understood and asked to sit awhile. They chatted, and after that he hid out with her when he could sneak away. (more)

My mom is funny-she & #ClarkGable joked and had a nice talk. My mom asked him what is was like to kiss someone as beautiful as #MarilynMonroe. He said, "I don't know-I haven't done it yet. I'll let you know."

A few days later her boss ordered her to go to his hotel room.(more)

My mom was upset but she walked to #ClarkGable's hotel room to tell him she was a mom & very upset to be ordered by her boss. Clark's wife opened the door in a dinner gown, Clark popped up-said he'd requested her to babysit while they went out to dinner. (more)

My poor mom was so relieved. She thought she'd stand up to him, he'd be mad, he'd complain, she'd be fired.

Instead, that's the night my mom taught #ClarkGable's kids how to play black jack.

I hope you enjoyed tonight's tale of my mother.

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