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Nigeria's civic tech organisation, raising the standards of transparency, citizen engagement & accountability most especially in public finance. #AskQuestions

Aug 17, 2020, 5 tweets

VIDEO: The numbers are not looking good in our #InvestingInPeople report.

200m estimated population

13.9m unemployed youths

N300m average investment in all tertiary institutions

46m Nigerians still practice open defecation

ONLY 3% of Nigerians have health insurance


Just 100 people access 47% of loans

10.5m children out of school

Naira has lost 145% of its value & the country is faced with economic issues like poverty, high inflation & illiteracy

It's been 60 years since independence!
What is Nigeria's pathway to economic prosperity?

In our #InvestingInPeople report, supported by @gatesfoundation we highlighted 6 broad goals & 18 priority actions that would effectively-

Improve health & education, end poverty, enable human capital development & spur economic growth

Read & download: bit.ly/3h5iMSO

Just 100 people access 47% of loans

10.5m children out of school

Naira has lost 145% of its value & the country is faced with economic issues like poverty, high inflation & illiteracy

It's been 60 years after independence!

What is Nigeria's pathway to economic prosperity?

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