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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Aug 18, 2020, 9 tweets

House and Senate leaders hold a presser in front of the USPS headquarters #NexstarDC @NewsNationNow

Sen. Van Hollen and others harp on the #USPS delays being a medical issue, not just a threat to the election. He’s reading letters from constituents waiting for meds #NexstarDC @NewsNationNow

Leader Hoyer and Sen. Van Hollen suggest Postmaster General Dejoy’s action might be illegal. “They got caught red handed.” Within the hour DeJoy just announced changes will be delayed until after election #NexstarDC @NewsNationNow

“We have enough to worry about with foreign intereference.” -Sen Van Hollen says we don’t need an “inside job” interfering with election #NexstarDC @NewsNationNow

“This thing starts at the top.” Sen @MarkWarner says most drastic changes in postal service came after Louis DeJoy was named PM General. “You’re seeing an effort to try to steal the election.” #NexstarDC @NewsNationNow

Again, to be clear, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy did announce within the last hour he WILL delay changes that have delayed mail delivery until after the election, he said to avoid the appearance of impropriety. #NexstarDC

Congresswoman Ealanor Holmes Norton says what PMG DeJoy did today was exactly what House Dems were asking from the beginning, and what’s in the legislation they’ll vote on Saturday -delaying #PostalService changes till January 2021 #NexstarDC

Rep. Anthony Brown says DeJoy and the Presidents policies are “now putting our democracy in jeopardy.” @AnthonyBrownMD4 calls for Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to resign #NexstarDC

Hoyer says in the bill the House is scheduled to vote on, all mail from board of elections to voters will he treated as First Class mail #NexstarDC

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