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Aug 20, 2020, 14 tweets

THREAD 3 pages 201-300 of the 966 page Senate Intelligence Committee’s #Volume5 counterintelligence report into Russian interference. We meet some interesting characters in these pages. I hope you will read them for yourself and arrive at your own conclusions.

Pg 204 Remember when Republicans screamed about how it was CrowdStrike who had hacked info on Ukraine server and not the Russians? Were they knowingly using Russian propaganda to distract us during Impeachment? Were they unwitting? Perhaps the Ethics Committee could ask.

Pg 208 ‘If this were a war, this is like knowing where the troops are deployed’. Think about what this means. trump campaign could flood the market with ads against HRC based on where she thought she could reach voters.

Page 66 of Jared Kushner’s testimony to the House, he was running an efficient, precisely targeted campaign. If you know where to spend the dollars, there’s more value. What if the data he had to pull this off was from the hacked material referenced above?

Pg 209 I can’t help but recall Roger Stone was charged with lying to Congress. He has not been charged with any potential underlying crimes he may have committed that required the lies.

Pg 235 former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s mumpsimus caused immeasurable harm. His intransigence would never allow him to be convinced of Russian nefarious behavior. Interesting to note current House minority leader McCarthy once said he thought Rohrabacher was paid by Russia.

Pg 236 Know collusion.

Pg 237 this really requires seeing everything together and in context. May 2016, Stone tells Manafort about Wikileaks releasing Clinton’s emails. June 2016, jr., Manafort, Kushner have the trump tower Mtg with Russians for a Wikileaks update, but instead get Magnitsky info. C🧵2

Pg 242 Just a daily reminder this a Republican led Committee. We should all be asking them what they are doing as a result of now being aware of this. Weird how some still don’t seem to care.

Pg 258 Know collusion, Part Deux.

Pg 259. President Clinton was impeached because he lied in a deposition. trump should be impeached for lying to Special Counsel Bob Mueller. trump and his lawyers were so afraid of a ‘perjury trap’, they wouldn’t let him speak to Mueller. Were written questions a trap too?

Pg 275. The trump tower meeting. These folks seem nice. There are [REDACTED] pages in relation to this meeting for some reason. 🤔

Pg 288. It looks like the Senate Intel Committee got the jump on what Michael Cohen is teasing for his upcoming book. Also, always read the footnotes.

Pg 296. Sperbank dinner with trump as the guest of honor during the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013. It might be important to see trumps taxes. Just sayin’

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