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Christian|Lazy Writer|Singer|Sports Fanatic|Thought Leadership|Democracy|Human Rights|Chelsea FC| Citizens' Analyst|

Aug 21, 2020, 10 tweets

1] You gatta give it to #Mwonzora

His nerve is earth-shaking & underrated.

You don't conflate two parties that contested elections separately, & continue using a re-expired term of office to decimate one party & even re-call a whole Mayor of Harare.

He's daring


2] Forgive my French, but even the stupidest of stupid people understand some basics on the current MDC fights

1sty, the SC court ruling purported to reunite faction, which had by then turned into distinct parties,post their Congresses, something it can not do.


3] Even stupid people would also know that the Supreme Court extended the 2018 expired MDC-T terms of office by 4 months.

Whereas the sole purpose was to conduct a EOC, the extensions have expired.

Anyone purporting to be a MDC-T official is a deranged liar.


4] Even those stupid people would also know that recalls & expulsions are not functions of the SG or even President's office.

Recalls are recommended by lower structures & then passed by the National Council.

not a rag-tag WhatsApp group with co-opted rejects.


5] We all must "un-do" this Supreme Court engineered shame.

The ruling has armed the systematic murder of electoral democracy.

Mayor Gomba, elected at party level, elected by Harare voters, elected in Council is "recalled" by an unlected Dougie's signature!


6] But more importantly, the MDC-ALLIANCE must do more.

Sympathy lasts only for so long.

I understand the principle of "protecting your zones of autonomy", but its time for tough choices.

Yet truth is,DM is decimating the MDC-ALLIANCE

They must NOW react


7] The MDC-A should thus accept the following:

i) this MDC-A institution is now contaminated. If it can't be saved, put it out of its misery

ii) Supporters are demoralized

iii) representatives are being pushed towards the MDC-T because of a unclear way foward!


8] Alternatively, the MDC-A must consider:

i) A disruptive political action

ii) Influencing MDC-T internal processes

iii) Rebranding, restructuring & recruitment

iv) A consultative engagement process to culminate in a broad ALLIANCE of democratic forces


9] In terms of the way forward, the MDC-A must accept that:

i) court fights are now useless

ii) the MDC-T is NOT an ally

iii) international community can only give solidarity

iv) Come the rigged 2023 polls, you won't be allowed to contest as MDC-ALLIANCE


10] But even as i tweet this, I'm not oblivious to the fact that there's no quick fix solution.

The MDC-ALLIANCE Leadership is under siege & most of them could use some "time out"!!

but then, such is the burden of Leadership.



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