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Aug 21, 2020, 9 tweets

[1/9] As part of our 2020 ad tracker project, here is a break down of the worst #DogWhistleAd of the week.

Find out more about this campaign and if politicians in your district are using racist ads to get elected with our tracker:

[2/10] America First Action, a “dark money” super PAC- who recently had their coded racist Facebook ads targeting AZ, PA & WI removed due to false information- are out with a new TV ad in AZ looking to further the racist Trump campaign.

[3/9] The ad begins with “Michelle” (allegedly) a mom living in Scottsdale, AZ, who is concerned about her teenage daughter’s safety and their ability to afford college tuition. But “Michelle” blows the xenophobic dog-whistle, blaming undocumented immigrants for her worries.

[4/9] “Michelle’s” association with fears of “safety” contrasted with undocumented immigrants plays on false, racist, and often deadly stereotypes of the criminal and dangerous non-white other.

[5/9] “Michelle” also creates a false zero-sum choice of expanding affordable healthcare and education between native-born and foreign-born. This scarcity argument is a myth used by many members of the GOP who only seek to divide and distract us from real issues.

[6/9] “Michelle” makes this point saying “How's that going to help us? Our kids need better healthcare, our kids need help with college." The “OUR” doing a lot of work in invoking racial stereotypes other without mentioning race

[7/9] But the lie is exposed by “Michelle” in her sentiment in that xenophobia is not a solution for better healthcare or affordable college. The ad does nothing but peddle racial division without actually addressing real solutions for these concerns.

[8/9] The American people deserve solid policy plans to address the ever-rising cost and challenges of getting access to quality affordable healthcare and education for our kids- not the poison pill of racism.

[9/9] They claim this recent ad buy is part of a $5.6M summer investment in Arizona. They will use these coded racist ads on cable and digital platforms all around the Phoenix area. A $5.6M dollar megaphone to amplify misleading narratives to stoke racial divisions.

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