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Aug 22, 2020, 6 tweets

Some charts on @compoundfinance 📈👇


1. GMV
2. Take rate
3. Annualized revenue
4. Market cap
5. Price-to-sales ratio (P/S)

1. GMV

What is the $ value of borrows outstanding on an annualized basis?

Currently ~ $1B

2. Take rate

What is the weighted average interest rate (%) on borrows?

Currently ~ 5%

3. Annualized revenue

What is the $ value of interest paid (to lenders + protocol) on an annualized basis?

Currently ~ $50M

4. Market cap

What is the fully-diluted market cap of based on a weekly average?

Currently ~ $1.7B

5. Price-to-sales ratio (P/S)

What is the fully diluted market cap / annualized revenue figure?

Currently ~ 32x

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