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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Aug 24, 2020, 20 tweets

THREAD 5 pages 401-500 of the 966 page Senate Intelligence Committee’s #Volume5 counterintelligence report into Russian interference. In this section we learn about relationships between trump and Russians. Please read this report for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Pg408 is one for the history books. Not only do we see Russia intelligence agent Akmetshin attend a party with republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher on Inauguration Day, there is admission of ‘friendly news outlets’ and a Russian agent coordinating testimony with jr’s attorney

Pg 410 one harkens back to page 375 where a Russian knew trump would be running for President before Americans. Turns out that Russian was found to be a bot developer who participated in online influence campaigns. The republican led senate intel cmte ‘have significant concerns.’

Pg 411 Footnotes. It is lamentable that the news media is not taking this seriously enough. Volume5 should be in every news room at every anchor desk and discussed hourly. It should be used to fact check every interview they conduct. Apples and bananas aren’t going to save us.

Pg 420 Wry cough worked for the bot developer to influence voters. This is evidence that the operations did not just happen in the US. These guys were in France trying to elect their right winger of choice, Le Pen. Why won’t Boris Johnson release UK’s report regarding Brexit?

Pg 421 trump tower Moscow. Remember when trump said he had no dealings with Russia during the campaign? That was a lie. I sense things are going to go from bad to worse soon in this report. Enter Felix Sater. What to say about Felix Sater? Seriously, what is his deal?

Felix Sater was arrested for injuries caused in a bar fight.
Investigated for money laundering.
FBI informant.
May have had info regarding Bin Laden if I’m remembering.
He’s like Forrest Gump of Intel ops.

He lived in Trump tower, had office access to trump and trump org cards.

He walked in to trump tower without an appointment and walked away from a meeting with trump with a real estate deal where Sater offered Trump Tower Phoenix. It seems Sater dangles towers to hook trump. This is the carrot.

Pg 423 Oh good. I wasn’t making it up. Phew.

Pg 427 When I hear Felix Sater, the image I conjure in my mind is that of Austin Powers in a Vegas bathroom desperately trying to find out who Number 2 works for.

Pg 433 Just a side vignette, according to Sater, Yes, Ivanka spun in Putin’s chair.

Pg 465 The preceding 30 pages reveals a deep series of connections, contacts, deals. jr. said everything is about relationships. This shows the players that the Senate Intel Committee has significant concerns about,knew trump. And he knew them. This entry is how we know him.

Pg 472 CNN had Boris Ephsteyn on as a surrogate talking on behalf of trump. Gaslighting viewers, spreading the message of trump campaign, deriding what they were doing as ‘fake news’. Boris is mentioned with Eric Trump [REDACTED]. Usually redactions mean ongoing investigations.

Pg 475 The thing about Joint Defense Agreements is they have to exist. Back in Thread 1 on page 30 the committee states no one could produce a JDA therefore the protections of privilege don’t apply. The committee was hampered by what is likely an obstruction of justice.

Pg 479 Enter George Papadopolous. Again here we have the same Republicans who claimed hoax, finding that the campaign foreign policy team exposed to significant counterintelligence vulnerabilities. But trump only hires ‘the best people’, right?

Pg 481 Where exculpatory comments or evidence exist, I will highlight in green to ensure fair representation of the findings in this report. Just note we are nearly halfway through now, and this is the first time I felt compelled to make this distinction.

Pg 499 This conversation when taken in the context of the whole however, is less exculpatory.

This last 100 pages sums up many contacts and relationships. It builds a foundation for all that was to come. Those close to Russian intel were also close to trump and seemingly dangling a tower as some sort of carrot. Any conversation or email gathering, the stick of kompromat.

This was no witch hunt. This was an investigation of those contacts trying to understand them and being thwarted by refusals to cooperate and obstructive behavior all along the way. If this was a witch-hunt, they were in an environment guaranteed to bag witches.

Please read Senate Intel’s vol5 report for yourself. Watch the House hearing on USPS with DeJoy. Ask yourself why the people found in these pages would want to keep power. Remember these things this week as we enter #TrumpCon2020. Ask why the republicans offer no platform.

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