XVIII Airborne Corps & Fort Bragg Profile picture
We are America’s Contingency Corps!

Aug 25, 2020, 5 tweets

1 of 5:

So, @TheWTFNation correctly answered our #TuesdayTrivia question. V Corps was the senior command HQ on Fort Bragg in 1950. The Victory Corps was headquartered on @fortbragg from 1946 - 1950. The Korean War brought V Corps to Germany.

2 of 5:

V Corps was really tucked away at Bragg at the time (& not doing much). The start of the Korean War brought Truman's National Emergency declaration, which added 4 Army divisions to Europe [to include the @4thInfDiv]. V Corps was brought to Germany to command these units

3 of 5: Meanwhile, the XVIII Airborne Corps was brought to Bragg to command the two airborne divisions that remained in the Army. Who knows...we might be able to use this large-scale airborne capability again! [@broadcastmike - did you know the V Corps was almost an airborne HQ]

4 of 5:

The V Corps cased its colors in Weisbaden, Germany in 2012. Earlier this month, V Corps unfurled its colors in Poland, establishing its forward command post. However, V Corps is NOT yet an active HQ! On October 16th, V Corps will reactivate on @FortKnoxKY


So, @TheWTFNation, come on in to the XVIII Airborne Corps HQ to claim your prize. We'll need your actual name for the certificate, of course. And don't send this guy; he has his own Twitter handle and could have responded if he knew the right answer.

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