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SFF/middle-grade fiction writer. Strategy/marketing consultant. Dadjoke teller. Doggo fan. Sentence-fragment lover. #MECFS She/her. Repped by @samroebuck

Aug 25, 2020, 17 tweets

Last month's #snackening was from Thailand.

This month is from Egypt! Let's goooooo


These snacks were... less unique. Few new flavors, and no "this must be what Satan's asshole tastes like" flavors. Maybe bc I lived in Israel which has some similar flavors? Anyway, we did keep almost all of these for nomming post tasting, which is rare!


First up, "crazy tomato" puffs!

Josh hates all things tomato (and I wish I'd taken a pic of his face on this). It kind of tasted and smelled like Campbell's instant tomato soup powder but in cheese puff form. Honestly, it worked for me! Salty and artificial tomato-y... yum.


"Mind blowing pizza" cones. So like, Bugles with a corn chip taste, plus the flavors of the worst part of an olive pizza, combined with a Domino's pizza crust that's been sitting out for several hours. Not my fave, Josh liked em.


"Burning BBQ" popcorn, from the same folks who brought you the prev 2 snacks (and bits of copy). These were good!
Had almost a nori undertaste, with chile pepper overtones and a good bit of smokyburnt flavor. IDK where the nori came from, but I dug it.


Next up TIGER. A lemon-chili-pepper chip from the illustration. Maybe with mint?

They taste mostly of cumin, and then a hint of lemon, and then lastly comes the spicy chili kick. They're pretty awesome tbh! I'm wishing I could eat em all and not have to share em, shhh.


Pretzo Original! With butter and herbs! Which herbs? Nobody knows, ingredients just say "spices".

They're coated in some sort of powder and taste like someone put bad movie theater popcorn "butter" on pretzels. No herbs, or spices for that matter, detected. Pass.


Spaghetuss! Apple-flavored! Obviously we all know what spaghetuss is? Cuz it's a pull-and-peel sort-of gummy in a VERY unappealing color that tastes like a nice apple candy. Sort of has the vibe of a chewy juice box. Honestly, I'm down with this one.


Duetto date-filled cookies! A "fig tut" if you will, since the obv comparison is to Fig Newtons. Inside is the same vibe (even tho dates, not figs?), outside is drier, stiffer, sweeter, more buttery. Shortbready, w a hint of nutrigrain. Not bad, but not worth the calories IMO


Gero! Arrived pre-squashed! Sort of like a coconut Charleston Chew, down to the chocolatey-but-def-not-chocolate coating. Filled 100% with white chewy stuff, and gets VERY coconutty (even texture-wise) at the end. Excellent if you love artificial coconut, which we do not.


CLASSIC quality butter cookies: the cinnamon cookie. A title that shd be a movie. They're a dry cinnamonny shortbread, a gingersnap with neither the ginger nor the snap. Inoffensive other than the ludicrous overpackaging. (Srsly, what cookie needs this much protection?!) Meh


El Shamadan WHITE: wafer biscuits filled w chocolate & coated w white chocolate. Pretty nice, not very surprising. What it says on the package, tho the cocoa cream filling overpowers the white chocolate. Which is a plus. Much less dry than a Quadratini.


El Shamadan WAVE: biscuit wafer filled w hazelnut cream and coated w natural (aka real) chocolate. Y'all, this is a GODDAMN DREAM COME TRUE. It's like if a KitKat were nutella-filled & was much better than a KitKat could possibly imagine. The winner of every #snackening yet.


Finally, Sakalans wafer filled with halva (or halawa, depending who you ask) & coffee cream. Halva is a dense, sesame-paste-based sweet. This one was as dry as Quadratini, was more sesame than coffee by far, and had a little bit of cinnamon flavor. Not bad, but it's no WAVE.


And that's the #snackening! Egyptian treats were far less... interesting than Thai treats? Maybe bc I grew up eating halva? But they had the highest hit rate yet of snacks we kept to finish later. (Tho the lemon-chili chips weren't NEARLY as hot as the Thai chili chips!)


hey @mollyd522 we had another #snackening! see thread above :)

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