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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Aug 26, 2020, 12 tweets

TUESDAY #GOPConvention break-in thread: At 8:30 p.m. Eastern, so just after night two began with the intro video. CNN and Fox News carrying the convention, MSNBC in commercial

8:34:41 p.m. Eastern --- CNN and Fox News showing the invocation, MSNBC showing poll numbers from Kornacki

During the Pledge of Allegiance, MSNBC joined the #GOPConvention. CNN, FNC, and MSNBC are all now in covering the convention with the biographical video about Jon Cooper (8:39:18 p.m. Easter)

Video: CNN has left the #GOPConvention to SLAM the pardoning of Jon Cooper as a political stunt and thus a distraction.

And now they've gone to commercial break.

At 9:06 p.m. Eastern, Rachel Maddow and the ethically-challenged Stephanie Ruhle (…) interject after Kudlow's speech to defend raising taxes, insist the economy is in a tailspin, and the coronavirus running rampant because Trump has allowed it #GOPConvention

At the end of Cissie Graham Lynch's speech, CNN breaks in for a commercial break #GOPConvention

Maddow interjects at 9:16 p.m. to express her deep dismay (in the name of facts, or something) with @CissieGLynch's #GOPConvention speech on the way to commercial, implying Trump doesn't support religious freedom, and condemning faith groups fighting contraception mandates

After Pam Bondi's speech ended at 9:32 p.m. Eastern, MSNBC interjected and promptly lost it #GOPConvention

Oh, and they brought on Biden supporter Andrew Weissmann too for this so-called fact-check

And MSNBC goes to break again. This time, it was after Governor @KimReynoldsIA's speech, cutting into Vice President Pence's video with everyday Americans. FTR they did come back part way through #GOPConvention

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