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Aug 26, 2020, 8 tweets

Night 2 of the #RepublicanConvention and we're back to live-tweet and analyze any immigration commentary from the speakers. #RNC2020

Cris Peterson is opening the #RepublicanConvention by talking about how "agriculture is our backbone and strength."

Meanwhile, just a few months ago Trump tried to slash farmworker wages. #RNC2020

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Jeanette Nunez spoke about her parents' journey as political refugees from Cuba.

Meanwhile Trump is gutting our asylum and system, making it harder for those seeking refuge in our country:

#RNC2020 #RepublicanConvention

Meanwhile, Trump has implemented multiple policies that make it harder and longer for legal immigrants & naturalization applicants to be adjudicated, many with little or no justification. #RepublicanConvention #RNC2020

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From the moment the Trump administration walked in, they have been issuing policy after policy that makes it impossible or harder than ever to access legal immigration & naturalization.

Immigrants are not political props.


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.@EricTrump criticizing Biden for wanting to give "amnesty and healthcare to all illegal immigrants" five minutes after Trump's naturalization stunt sums up the night so far.

#RNC2020 #RepublicanConvention

Cameron's rhetoric about how Joe Biden "promises more to illegal immigrants than he does to you" is another example of the GOP using divisive rhetoric to distract us from Trump's shortcomings without offering real policy solutions to keep us safe. #RNC2020 #RepublicanConvention

.@FLOTUS: "Helping children is not a political goal, it is our moral imperative."

Donald Trump is literally separating children from their parents at the border & making it increasingly difficult for families seeking asylum. #RNC2020

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