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Sep 9th 2020
Republican Senators Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Ted Cruz (Texas) and Josh Hawley (Missouri) are among the 20 individuals the President has added to his list of potential US Supreme Court nominees.
Cotton (R-AR): "I’m honored that President Trump asked me to consider serving on the Supreme Court and I’m grateful for his confidence. I will always heed the call of service to our nation."
Cotton (R-AR): "The Supreme Court could use some more justices who understand the difference between applying the law and making the law, which the Court does when it invents a right to an abortion, infringes on religious freedom, and erodes the Second Amendment.”
Read 25 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
1. Florida es uno de los estados con más latinos y eso se refleja en su historia política con 2 senadores y 9 congresistas hispanos, de los cuales solo 3 son demócratas.
¿Por qué la mayoría de políticos latinos en FL son republicanos?¿Afectará al 3N?
#Destino3N #FloridaD3N Infografía de la representa...Infografía de la representa...
2. Si se mira el origen de la ascendencia de los políticos del soleado estado se entiende mejor la situación.
El dato👉Ocho son cubanoamericanos. Los exiliados cubanos huyeron a EEUU después de la Revolución Cubana. La mayoría eran de clase media-alta/alta, blancos y con estudios Infografía sobre el orígen ...
3. “No eran pobres, eran personas a las que les estaban quitando propiedades, eran más pudientes que un inmigrante típico. Eran muy anticomunistas y apoyaban enormemente al partido republicano”, explica Brad Gómez, profesor de ciencias políticas en FL.…
Read 15 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
The Epoch Times National Poll was conducted by Big Data Poll and interviewed 2,169 likely #Voters nationwide sourced via voter file-verified online survey panels from Aug. 26 to Aug. 30, 2020.

Here were the findings (Thread👇)…
“Mr. Biden’s edge with seniors has slipped, and the president is outperforming his minority vote share from 2016 by a modest but statistically significant degree.”

#JoeBiden holds a potentially dwindling lead over President Trump, and voters expect the incumbent to win.
#Biden leads among female voters 49% compared to Trump at 35%, while Trump leads with male voters 46% to 41%.

In rural America, where #Voters are currently the most enthusiastic about voting in November, the president leads 52% to 36%.
Read 27 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
"Republican National Convention: Donald Trump officially accepts his nomination for president" #RNC2020…
"Republican National Convention: Donald Trump officially accepts his nomination for president" #RNC2020…
"Republican National Convention: Donald Trump officially accepts his nomination for president" #RNC2020…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
A "convention bounce" in a must-win state: The latest @wsbtv poll shows Trump leads @JoeBiden 48-41 in Georgia following the #RNC2020. #gapol…
@wsbtv @JoeBiden It used the same questions, weighting formula and # of respondents as a Landmark poll released at start of the DNC that showed Trump and Biden running about even in Georgia. Trump stayed about the same, but Biden's numbers dropped from 44-41. #gapol…
@wsbtv @JoeBiden Trump amassed more support among core Republican voters (87%) than Biden had among Democrats (78%). And he led 50% to 38% with voters who had watched both political conventions over the past two weeks. #gapol…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
I've been sick since April, lost hearing in one ear, had "sudden cardiomyopathy" (aka #BrokenHeartSyndrome), then was dxd with #CongestiveHeartFailiure. I fear I will never get well. About 40% of people with #COVID19 have heart or kidney problems happen.
Trump is now shopping the narrative, created for the #RNC2020, that #COVID19 is not that big a deal & that in "99% of cases you just recover." But that is in fact, false. @CNN reported Monday just how extensive #longhaulers are now--and how they are predominantly people under 50.
Also, most #longhaulers had no #PreExistingConditions prior to getting #COVID19.
Part of Trump's re-election strategy is to diminish the impact of his catastrophic mishandling of #CoronavirusPandemic. Hence the revisionist RNC story of how he & Pence saved "millions" of lives.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
Trump is inciting violence in the US. It is blatant and overt. When I reported on the #RNC2020 I explained that highlighting accused felons like the McCloskeys who threatened a pastor-led demonstration with assault weaponry was a tacit permission to act similarly.
Over the weekend in #Portland and the previous weekend as well, there was a caravan of several hundred cars of Trump supporters with survivalists paramilitary and others attacking protestors. This was a highly organized event. The intent was to intimidate and terrorize.
My biggest concern is for November: Will these semi-military folks be patroling the polling places in cities like mine that Trump has already targeted.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
Don't really hear McEnany today talking about #KyleRittenhouse
Will someone ask McEnany that when she claims Trump shows up, his missing health care plan still hasn't yet shown up ... four years later.

Where is it?

#Obamacare #ACA #PreExistingConditions #2020Elections
McEnany says Trump isn't going to weigh in on #KyleRittenhouse.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
THREAD📌I know folks wanted to tank Trump's ratings by not watching #RNC2020, but the GOP laid out their plan for the next 2months and some of you seem unaware that the #pandemic was a main topic throughout. It may look like only the unrest in #Kenosha and #Portland matter, BUT>>
#COVID19 is integral to Trump's re-election campaign. As I reported throughout the #RNC2020, #coronavirus revisionism is being led by @VP Pence, head of the #CoronavirusTaskForce. Trump stepped up this messaging over the weekend by misrepresenting the @CDCgov data.
This is perhaps the worst battle we have because Trump invalidating the mortality data--and he will keep hammering at that, make no mistake--will complicate the election. Biden and Trump are both fighting for a key voting demo: white voters 55+. And Biden needs Black voters 55+.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
I've been checking the main terms, accounts and hashtags on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram throughout the conventions and it seems like @GOP was more successful than @TheDemocrats in getting online engagements throughout its convention - Analysis via @crowdtangle ImageImageImageImage
DNC and #DemConvention were used 3.4 million times between 17-21 August. By contrast, RNC and #RNC2020 were used 4.6 million times from 24-28 August. Of course they might have been used both in positive and negative lights, but we're only guaging net engagements ImageImage
Here, I'm comparing the tweets and engagements of @TeamTrump vs @TeamJoe plus @JoeBiden vs @realDonaldTrump from 17-28 August. Again, there's no comparison. The Trump campaign wins easily. Now President Trump has one the biggest Twitter accounts, so the second result was expected ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
President Trump's #RNC2020 acceptance speech was a celebration of America, pairing the patriotic stories of our past with an optimistic outlook for our future.

Just like our great President, the speech was apologetically AMERICAN.

Here are some of my favorite lines. THREAD 👇 Image
"The Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, goes forward united, determined, and ready to welcome millions of Democrats, Independents, and anyone who believes in the GREATNESS of America and the righteous heart of the American People."
"In the depths of a bloody Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln looked out these very windows upon a half-completed Washington Monument – and asked God, in His Providence, to save our union."
Read 15 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Ein Thread zu Trumps Rede auf der #RNC2020 gestern Nacht , auf der er die Nominierung zum Präsidenschaftskandidaten annahm. Fokus: Tonfall, Framing, Lügen, Strategie der Republikaner. Patrons (10€+) bekommen eine erweiterte Version als Text. #ardentanalyse
Trump beginnt seine Rede mit einer für ihn extrem untypischen Liebesbekundung an seine Familie. Er hält sich ans Skript, zumindest vorerst. Man will ihn als normalen Republikaner framen, weg von seinem schrillen Image, um skeptische Konservative nicht zu verschrecken.
Es geht weiter mit Danksagungen an Pence, es fallen die klassischen Worte wie "Glaube", "Familie" und "Werte", Military Moms, Gründerväter etc. Trump wirkt gelangweilt. Ein bisschen Leben kommt in ihn, als er die Falschbehauptung von der "greatest economy" wiederholt.
Read 18 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
If you watched the #RNC2020 this week, you might be wondering which claims were legit. 💡TIP💡: Organizations like @PolitiFact and @factcheckdotorg are great for separating fact from fiction during and after conventions. Here are some of the fact-checks that stood out to us:
Patricia McCloskey falsely suggested that @JoeBiden is trying to destroy the suburbs. In actuality, Biden’s plan is to bring back the Obama Administration’s fair housing rule that @realDonaldTrump overturned.…
FYI: Obama’s fair housing rule didn’t mandate low-income housing or rezoning. It just established a more structured reporting process to address fair housing issues in communities.…
Read 11 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Wondering what happened at the #DemConvention? During political conventions, speakers make claims about candidates’ records and platforms. To determine what’s legit, read coverage from fact-checking groups like @APFactCheck and @factcheckdotorg. Here’s a thread of some examples:
There was speculation that @JoeBiden pre-recorded his speech, but that speculation was false. @USATODAY proved that he delivered it live.… Image
@BernieSanders inaccurately claimed that raising the federal minimum wage to $15 would give 40 million workers a pay raise. @USCBO projects that it would only increase the wages of 17 million people.…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
1. Varios manifestantes de #BlackLivesMatter pidieron a gritos al senador de Kentucky Rand Paul que reconociera el tiroteo policial de #BreonnaTaylor.
El incidente sucedió cerca de la Casa Blanca después del discurso de Trump en la #RNC2020.
Va hilo!🧵✊🇺🇲
2. Breonna Taylor (26) fue disparada ocho veces por la policía en su domicilio en Louisville (Kentucky) el 13 de marzo y su caso está siendo investigado por el FBI.

Más información sobre su caso aquí 👇
3. Hoy la candidata a congresistas por Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene -que apoya las teorías QAnon- calificó a los activistas de #BLM de matones.
"Debemos inundar las urnas para reelegir a Trump o esta gentuza marxista dirigirán nuestro Gobierno"
Read 8 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Take away Day 4: #RNC2020

1. Again, laws were broken
2. Mix of state of the union and rally
3. All about Biden
4. What Covid?
5. Limited effectiveness?


1. Again, nobody will change their mind either way. But the Hatch Act specifically makes using the executive 1/9
branch for political gains illegal (not the president himself, but everyone around him). This is not normal and should not be normalized.

2. State of the union/Rally
This was a weird mix SOTU elements and rally elements. Trump had several ‘special guests’, like the family 2/9
of a Latina cop that got killed that would normally be part of a SOTU. In a pretty long speech (70 mins) Trump moved between reading off the teleprompter and using some impromptu rally lines. Whenever he spoke from the teleprompter, he seemed somewhat bored, with small 3/9
Read 9 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Eines der Themen, die auf der #RNC2020 wieder und wieder aufkamen, war Abtreibung. Das hat einen Grund: man hofft katholische Konservative, die evt. für Biden stimmen wollen, zurückzugewinnen. Trump sagte gestern z.B: "Joe Biden claims he has empathy for the vulnerable..."
"...yet the party he leads supports the extreme late-term abortion of defenseless babies, right up until the moment of birth.” Message: ein empathischer Präsident KANN keine Abtreibung unterstützen. Seine Behauptungen sind falsch. Er bezieht sich auf eine Diskussion in Virginia,
in der es darum ging, wenn das Leben der Mutter in Gefahr ist, das Recht auf Abtreibung in absoluten Ausnahmefällen auszudehnen. Niemand hat von Abtreibung "bis zur Geburt" gesprochen oder das gefordert.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Zur US-Wahl: In den Midterms 2018 hat eine kleine Gruppe Trump-skeptischer Republikaner in Battleground States wie Michigan, Wisconsin und Pennsylvania den Demokraten zum Sieg verholfen. Wenn es Trump gelingt, sie zurückzuholen, kann er gewinnen.…
Das Electoral College bevorteilt Republikaner in knappen Wahlen. Wenn Trump es schafft, genug Republikaner oder Independents, die ihm gegenüber seit Corona skeptisch geworden sind, auf seine Seite zu holen, wird es eng.…
Das bedeutet: Wenn z.B. ein Impfstoff auf den Markt kommt, oder Corona Fallzahlen beginnen zu sinken, könnte das ausreichen, um konservative Wähler, die von seinem Pandemie-Management enttäuscht sind, wieder zurück zur GOP zu holen. #ardentanalyse
Read 6 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Here's my recap of the final night of the absolutely stunning @GOPconvention #RNC2020: Alice Marie Johnson, Ann Dorn, and of course President @realDonaldTrump.…
Trump got some great jabs at Biden: "“Joe Biden is not the savior of America’s soul – he is the destroyer of America’s jobs, and if given the chance, he will be the destroyer of American greatness."
Biden's shutdown "would inflict unthinkable and lasting harm... measured in increased drug overdoses, depression, alcohol addiction, suicides, heart attacks, economic devastation, and more. Biden’s plan is not a solution to the virus, but rather it’s a surrender to the virus.”
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
YES. AMEN. @realDonaldTrump takes on cancel culture, censors & those who "want to coerce you into saying what you know to be FALSE, and scare you out of saying what you know to be TRUE."

Gorgeous performance post-speech. A nice respite from all the ugliness and chaos. CULTURE. BEAUTY. TRADITION. #RNC2020
And now, back to our regularly scheduled loony tunes...
Read 3 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
.@realDonaldTrump "We must remember that the overwhelming majority of police officers in this country, and that's the overwhelming majority, are noble, courageous and honorable. We have to give law enforcement, our police, back their power. They are afraid to act." #RNC2020
"When there is police misconduct, the justice system must hold wrongdoers fully and completely accountable, and it will" says @realDonaldTrump #RNC2020 #PoliceAccountability #justice
"In the strongest possible terms, the Republican Party condemns the rioting, looting, arson and violence we have seen in Democrat-run cities like Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago and New York." - @realDonaldTrump
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Aug 28th 2020
With the final speeches of the #RNC2020 underway, this Tweet may not get much attention, but I will write it anyway.

I am a proud American, a proud father, a proud husband, a proud brother and a proud son.

I worked for my father from the late 1980s when I was in high school,
until we sold our business 6 years ago.

Shortly after my wife and I were married in 2007, we bought the house across the street from my parents.

Since the birth of our children, now 8 and 11, we have spent countless afternoons and evenings with my parents.
Over the past two years, my father’s health has been failing. It has been difficult for me and my family to watch.

My father sleeps very little, struggles to breath and has developed disorders related to both that challenge our family daily.

Prior to the 2016 election,
Read 9 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
"When I took office, the Middle East was in total chaos," Trump says #RNC2020.
"This month we achieved the first Middle East peace deal in 25 years."
Trump claims we defeated "100%" of the ISIS caliphate. Pentagon leaders have long steered clear of that claim, as we still have hundreds of troops in Syria and Iraq fighting the group's remnants.
Read 3 tweets

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