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„У тешким данима спас нађе онај ко спасава сопствену душу“.

Aug 26, 2020, 13 tweets

Who is organizing the overthrow of @realDonaldTrump?
OTPOR - CNAVAS, registered in Serbia was founded by representatives of the "deep state" and billionaires like @georgesoros, otherwise his ideologues, creators and financiers. @RichardGrenell @WHNSC magacinportal.com/2020/02/srdjan…

CANVAS and Srdja Popović are involved in organization of protests against Donald Tramp, elect president of the USA. If we wish to develop better relations with newly elected administration in America, we have to ban operation of the globalist venturers who, in this way,

jeopardize national security of the Republic of Serbia.
CANVAS trained activists from about 50 countries who were the protagonists, among other things, of the so called colour revolutions in Ukraine,Georgia,Egypt, Tunisia, as well as of the unsuccessfully attempted revolutions in

Belarus, Russia, China, and Syria. CANVAS harms reputation of the University of Belgrade since the teaching subject Methods and Tactics of Nonviolent Action is misused for training of colour revolutionaries from all over the world at the Faculty of Political Sciences. I wonder

what kind of training it is that lasts one month at the Faculty of the Political Sciences and is attended by the citizens of Egypt, PR of China and other countries where CANVAS has performed subversive activities?CANVAS has been designated as a terrorist organisation side by side

with Islamic Republic and Al-Qaeda by the UAE government (see more at: List of groups designated terrorist organisations by the UAE). Popović has expanded the network of his organization to over 50 countries and they are directly responsible for changing numerous legitimate

regimes all over the world and expansion of globalist chaos. They who have made miserable tens of millions of people should be accountable for it. magacinportal.com/2020/02/srdjan…

@markodjuric from OTPOR is negotiating for Kosovo!! A"good"ex.: G. Soros made money in every country. In Kosovo, invested $150m in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex cont.

Breaking up Yug was also wanted to expand NATO / U.S. bases, & they have privatized many of the things there. Key warmongers, such as Madeleine Albright were involved in the privatizing of Kosovo's telecom, George Soros plotted on the Trepca mines, etc., practice for NATO, etc.

Do you gentlemen work for Soros?Are you gentlemen helping Soros to steal the property of the citizens of Serbia?On September 4, it will be known whether you are for globalists or sovereignists.@robertcobrien, @RichardGrenell,@realDonaldTrump,@RudyGiuliani,@WHNSC,@SenTedCruz

Do you gentlemen work for Soros?Are you gentlemen helping Soros to steal the property of the citizens of Serbia?On September 4, it will be known whether you are for globalists or sovereignists.@robertcobrien,@POTUS, @RichardGrenell,@RudyGiuliani,@WHNSC,@SenTedCruz

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