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Writes thoughts/Tweets feelings. Dem Strategist for causes, campaigns & candidates. Prev. Dep Press Sec. Clinton '16, DCCC IE Dir., DCCC Dep ED/CommDir. W&M'03

Aug 26, 2020, 7 tweets

NEW from @NavigatorSurvey on USPS

4-in-5 are FAVORABLE to USPS

FAV: 79% (72% w/ GOPers)

UNFAV: 20% (23% w/ GOPers)


@NavigatorSurvey (2/7) from @NavigatorSurvey on USPS

People rely on USPS for their real lives

BILLS: 64%
DRUG RX: 29% (45% with 65+)

@NavigatorSurvey (3/7) from @NavigatorSurvey on USPS

Trump and McConnell are blocking funding for USPS

American's OVERWHELMINGLY support funding


@NavigatorSurvey 🚨🚨🚨 From @NavigatorSurvey

By 26-points: People say Trump is block USPS $$ to help his reelection

TRUE: 57%

FALSE: 31%

@NavigatorSurvey (5/7)

By 23-points: people say Trump is blocking USPS $$$ b/c he thinks more people voting increases his likelihood of losing the election

YES: 53%

NO: 30%

@NavigatorSurvey (6/7) from @NavigatorSurvey

Biggest concerns people have about Trump cutting USPS:

- Not getting prescriptions ontime
- Older Americans w/o Social Security Checks
- Votes may not be counted

@NavigatorSurvey (7/7) from @NavigatorSurvey

By 27-points, people are more concerned that budget cuts to USPS will impact their lives (prescription drugs, paychecks, etc.) versus putting election at risk.

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