Tay Austin Profile picture
Disaster Assist Volunteer I do my best to keep you safe & informed I'm also on Bluesky at https://t.co/WpY1MPjBqX

Aug 26, 2020, 5 tweets

1 pm update from #NHC

#HurricaneLaura is rapidly intensifying. "Catastrophic storm surge....extreme winds & flash flooding. Little time to protect life & property!"

#PortArthur #Beaumont #LakeCharles #Galveston #StormSurge #Laura

"Hurricane Hunters indicate the max winds have increased to 140 mph. Some additional strengthening is possible."

#PortArthur #Beaumont #LakeCharles #Galveston #StormSurge #Laura #HurricaneLaura #HurricaneWarning #StormSurge

"Unsurvivable storm surge...catastrophic damage from Sea Rim St. Park to Intracoastal City #LA. Surge could invade up to 30 miles."

#PortArthur #Beaumont #LakeCharles #Galveston #StormSurge #Laura #HurricaneLaura #HurricaneWarning #StormSurge

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