Tay Austin Profile picture
Disaster Assist Volunteer I do my best to keep you safe & informed I'm also on Bluesky at https://t.co/WpY1MPjBqX
Sep 7, 2022 10 tweets 10 min read
I hope this helps someone who's been told to prepare for evac. Think of it as a reminders list, so for those being told prep to go? This is for you.

#RadfordFire #SnowSummit #BigBearLake #SanBernardinoCounty Prep to go...
Charge cell phones, pack chargers
Include power pack/solar charger [if you have 1]
Pets! Take your pets
Gather meds, insurance papers, passport, vax cards...
#RadfordFire #SnowSummit #BigBearLake #SanBernardinoCounty
Sep 7, 2022 8 tweets 8 min read
I hope the nets stays on awhile, b/cuz something interesting came out of it. I was looking at the Radford Fire on the web cam, & captured the screen. Over the next 2 hrs, when it came bk on I'd capture the images.
#RadfordFire #SnowSummit #BigBearLake Here's how the #RadfordFire advanced over several hrs.
#SnowSummit #BigBearLake #SanBernardinoCounty
Sep 6, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
Since there's currently 14 fires burning in CA, I think it's time we go over a reminder of defensible space. Once the heatwave eases, isn't it better to do it now, then to wish you had...later?
#FairviewFire #Hemet #Riverside #RadfordFire Plus, I'm always mindful that there are always people who are new to #California and have no idea what defensible space is. Here's what you need to know, and do to keep your property as safe as possible.

This is Defensible Space
#FairviewFire #Hemet #Riverside #RadfordFire
Sep 6, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
For those who'll be told to evac soon, here's some help of what to take.

Prep to go...
Charge cell phones, pack chargers
Include power pack/solar charger [if you have 1]
Pets! Take your pets
Gather meds, insurance papers, passport, vax cards...

#FairviewFire #Hemet #Riverside If car is in garage, back it out & turn it around so you're heading out. Know how to open garage door manually. [power goes out when poles/lines go down] So know how to open it yourself. Throw in "to go" gear.

#FairviewFire #Hemet #Riverside
Sep 6, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read
This is what'cha do in a fast moving fire. You grab whatever you can, load livestock in & get them out of there. THAT is the important thing...not how they're delivered to the evac location.
#FairviewFire #Hemet Whether it's chicks/ducks, sheep, calves to evac but all rescue groups are busy? If you have a pickup, van or even a car you can get them to safety this way... I swear! #Usewhatyouhave

#FairviewFire #Hemet #EvacingAnimals
Sep 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
But I can't say it's been a dull weekend. I pupper sat most of the day since the girls were at the state fair. Imagine my surprise when I got a text at 3 [something] a.m. asking if I could come help catch Holley. Errr...what? So off I went. Show of hands - who's chased a dog who's chasing a opossum in the middle of the night? Especially since the opossum ran into the neighbors garage b/c he'd left the back door open? So now we have a barking dog, & a snarling, hissing opossum who's parked up on a cabinet. 🙄
Sep 3, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
This is what'cha do in a fast moving fire. You grab whatever you can, load livestock in & get them out of there. THAT is the important thing...not how they're delivered to the evac location.
#MillFire #Weed #Siskiyou #NorCal Whether it's chicks/ducks, sheep, calves to evac but all rescue groups are busy? If you have a pickup, van or even a car you can get them to safety this way... I swear! #Usewhatyouhave

#MillFire #Weed #Siskiyou #NorCal Image
Sep 3, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
Part 2

In the urgency of fires, there's a lot of pressure. You already know what you need. Documents, passports, vax cards, cash, clothes etc. But what really are the essentials to you. The things that matter most.
#MillFire #Weed #Siskiyou #NorCal I know it's overwhelming so close your eyes, clear your mind & ask what's really important. You'll be surprised what pops to mind.

#MillFire #Weed #Siskiyou #NorCal
Sep 3, 2022 12 tweets 12 min read
Prep to go...
Charge cell phones, pack chargers
Include power pack/solar charger [if you have 1]
Pets! Take your pets
Gather meds, insurance papers, passport, vax cards...
#NorCal #Weed #Siskiyou If there's time take quick vids of all rooms in home. Open drawers/closets. Mention any upgrades. Do the outside of home, all sides. Don't forget sheds/garage take pics/vids there too. Outdoor patio stuff.
#MillFire #Weed #Siskiyou #NorCal
Sep 3, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
For those who'll be needing this. Remember evac livestock early. Don't wait to be told... less stress for the animals/horses.

Large Animals

Siskiyou Fairgrounds
Use 250 Sharps Rd to enter

#NorCal #Weed #MillFire #Siskiyou Dog Shelter

Rescue Ranch
2216 E Oberlin Rd

#NorCal #Weed #MillFire #Siskiyou
Dec 31, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
Before I head back to #Boulder, #Nebraska, here's the forecast laid out by the Omaha #NWS. Please think before you go out tonight or tomorrow because breathing will make your lungs burn/hurt outside.

#windchill #Platte #Colfax #Butler #Stanton #Windchill timeline

#Nebraska #Platte #Colfax #Butler #Stanton
Dec 30, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
Be sure to check the air in your tires and that you have plenty of gas. Plan at least 2 evac routes in case 1 is blocked or closed.

Gas Buddy to help you find nearest station with gas in your town.

#MarshallFire #BoulderFires Prep to go...
Charge cell phones, pack chargers
Include power pack [if you have 1]
Get prepped to go. Including pets.
Gather meds, insurance papers, anything you'll need.

#MarshallFire #BoulderFires
Dec 30, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
East/S.E. #Nebraska
Plz rethink going out #NYE & opt to stay home. The conditions will be down right dangerous & even life threatening. IF you insist, at the very least take thick blankets, warm clothes, charged cells & a survival kit with you.

#winterstorm #bittercold Image #Snow #Nebraska

Predicted snowfall amounts. Besides the above have battery cables, a mini shovel, cat liter/sand for traction & a headlamp, flashlight. Let someone know where you're going & what route.

#winterstorm #bittercold #blowingsnow Image
Sep 28, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
Charge cell phones & pack chargers
Get prepped to go. Including pets.
Gather meds, insurance papers
Check if all neighbors are up. Lights on?
Check any elderly neighbors...they may not know.
Off to take them with you...plz? Some don't drive.

#GlassFire #BoysenFire #ShadyFire If car is in garage, back it out and turn it around so you're heading out. Throw to go gear in. Know how to open garage door manually. [power goes out when poles/lines go down]

#GlassFire #BoysenFire #ShadyFire
Sep 28, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Nixle alerts. I copied them out for anyone who's cell is getting low on charge.

Go here for evac zones.

#GlassFire #BoysenFire #ShadyFire Go here for evac zones.

#GlassFire #BoysenFire #ShadyFire
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I've had a couple of people ask me tonight about the communication towers. I've done a "today" overview of what they went thru. Plus a close up...I'm happy to say, they all look like they're hang'n in there!

#BobcatFire Image #BobcatFire challenging the comms towers this afternoon Image
Sep 19, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
Ok....#Bobcat peeps - we need to talk. If you haven't already done so, read this part below from @lacfd

Fire behavior in Branch IV (Juniper Hills to Piñon Hills) forecasted to be extreme w/ an afternoon S-SW wind.

#BobcatFire Extreme fire behavior in Branch IV with afternoon S-SW winds. Those of you in this & the surrounding area of Branch IV need to be hyper vigilant today b/c your life could depend on it. The wind can turn fires in a second so do not let your guard down.

Sep 16, 2020 4 tweets 7 min read
Hey Peeps! Here's the 1pm update on #Sally

About 30 miles ... NNE of #Pensacola #Florida
Max sustained winds ...70mph
Present movement ... NNE at 5mph

#TropicalStormSally #Alabama #AL #FL #GA #Georgia Image Updated Watches & Warnings for #Sally

#TropicalStormSally #Alabama #AL #FL #GA #Georgia Image
Sep 14, 2020 8 tweets 8 min read
For anyone getting ready to sandbag [from #Louisiana thru #Mississippi. I'm going to walk you thru...step by step, how to make your home or business as waterproof as possible.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA Step 1
Start with heavy black plastic sheeting. What you lay down in landscaping? Its ok if you don't have that, cut garbage bags length wise and use those. Next....duct tape.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA
Sep 11, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
It doesn't know where it wants to capture the fire in b/w or color, so it goes back and forth....

Bloom Lookout
#BearFire #NorthComplexFire #NorthComplexWestZone Image Bloom Lookout
#BearFire #NorthComplexFire #NorthComplexWestZone Image
Sep 10, 2020 11 tweets 13 min read
To anyone who's near ANY fire
Clear defensible space around property.

Prep to leave even if the orders aren't by you yet. You may have very little time to evac so do it now.

Make a 'to go' bag.

#CreekFire #BearFire #ValleyFire #BobcatFire #ElDoradoFire #apocalypse2020 If you have horses, llamas, farm animals get them ready to move. Put trailers nearby. Keep treats handy. Sugar cubes, apples, carrots. Something they like you can use to entice them into the trailers.

#CreekFire #BearFire #ValleyFire #BobcatFire #ElDoradoFire