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Aug 27, 2020, 17 tweets

Welcome to our first digital UofG Knowledge & Public Engagement Celebration Awards! Across the next hour, we will be unveiling our 2020 winners. Good luck to everyone nominated! πŸ€žπŸ™ŒπŸ₯³ #UofGKEPEAwards

Our first award is for Best Collaboration in Arts & Culture, celebrating our partnerships with the creative industries. Here are the nominees from @UofGArts
Prof John Butt @DunedinConsort
Prof Clare Willsdon @UofGCulture

And the award for Best Collaboration in Arts & Culture goes to….. πŸ₯...

Congratulations to @DrMattBrennan for β€˜The Cost of Music’, a collaboration between music academics, artisan craftworkers, a filmmaker, a record label @ChemUnderground , and the environmental sustainability charity @CCScotland ! πŸ₯³

Next up is the award for Best Collaboration in Business. Here’s our finalists who have all worked with industry partners to help them achieve their business goals.
Mirage @UofGEngineering
ArrayStream Technologies @UofGAsbs
QTS @officialQTS

And the winner of the Best Collaboration in Business Award goes to…πŸ₯...

Congratulations to the MIRAGE consortium - Prof Iain Thayne and Dr Matt Steer @UofGEngineering working in partnership with @gassensing @CST_Global_Ltd supported by @scotent @CENSIS121 πŸ™Œ

Now it’s time for the Best Collaboration in Policy & Practice. Our nominees have worked in partnership to create real-world impact.
Understanding austerity @AnnetteHastings @UofGUrbanStudies
Deep End GP @deependgp @UofGIHW
Elimination of rabies @hampson_katie

And the winner of the Best Collaboration in Policy & Practice is …. πŸ₯...

Congratulations to @hampson_katie katie; @IBAHCM and colleagues for their work towards the eradication of rabies πŸ™Œ

Next, Best Community or Public Engagement Initiative, highlighting the importance of engaging communities to shape & inform research. The nominees…..
The Great Game @ProfTonyPollard
Understanding Health Research @UHRwebsite
Baltic Street Adventure Playground @BalticAp

And the award for Best Community or Public Engagement Initiative goes to.... πŸ₯...

Congratulations to @TraillHelen @profdeirdreshaw @DrStephAnderson ; @UofGAsbs for their award-winning collaboration with @UofGAsbs πŸ™Œ

Our final award is for Entrepreneur of the Year. Celebrating those who have demonstrated key entrepreneurial attributes and leadership. The nominees are...
Professor Shireen Davies @UofGIMCSB

The standard this year was so high that the judges awarded 2 winners in this category...πŸ₯...

Congratulations to our joint winners Professor Shireen Davies @UofGIMCSB and Dr Elijah Nazarzadeh @ElijaNazar @UofGEngineering πŸ™Œ

Congratulations to all our winners and shortlisted nominees! Thank you for joining us to celebrate these outstanding partnerships. πŸ₯³πŸ™Œ
Find out more about our winning projects ➑️…

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