Kimberly Acquaviva 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
Preppy @UVA professor striving to make healthcare LGBTQIA+ inclusive. Nerdy queer. Views are my own & don't represent my employer AT ALL. Same name on Spoutible

Aug 27, 2020, 8 tweets

This is the first time I’ve used my printing press since Kathy died. (I’m doing a custom order of cards for someone). My lock-up skills are rusty but let’s see how this prints up! ♥️

My hot mess of a typesetting station

This is “The Imp” - an 1894 Chandler & Price 8x12 “Old Style” platen press

First step after locking the chase in the press: printing a mock-up without ink to get things lined up

Adjusted things a bit and did another blind impression to check things before inking the press.

Last night when I inked up the press and printed the image, I had a horrible realization: this dude looks WAY too much like Hitler. The client and I agreed that, as an uninked impression, it looked much better.

So my first print run since Kathy died was a set of ghost impressions with the word “grateful” underneath. ♥️.

/end thread

P.S. #Letterpress professionals would be HORRIFIED at the picture of my lock-up but I’m self taught 😂

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