Ziran Jay Zhoa 🍉 Profile picture
#1 NYT-Bestselling & Hugo-Award-Disqualified Author (IRON WIDOW + ZACHARY YING) | They/Them | French Twt: @xiran_francais

Aug 28, 2020, 13 tweets

decided to do a separate thread for this so here we go: how Song dynasty poet Lu You poem-liveblogged his descent from cat owner to cat slave 800 years ago

The year is 1183. Down On His Luck scholar-official Lu You gets a cat because rats keep munching on his books. 1/?

the effects are GREAT!! Lu You is delighted!!


(also feel free to correct my translations because my classical chinese is not that good LOOOL) 2/?

several years later, Lu You gets ANOTHER CAT!! he calls it Snowy!! (probably had white fur then)

he loves it so much he suspects it was a child of his reincarnated from a past life 3/?

and then cat #3, Pink-Nose!!!

it seems that Lu You's cats have fish to eat now, but Pink-Nose seems to be slacking on its mice-eradicating duties...? 4/?

the power dynamics in the Lu household now seem to be experiencing some shifts. who is the master and who is the servant now?? 5/?

it finally hits Lu You, what has happened. he has made a terrible mistake, spoiling his cats so much. they're not working anymore. there is no going back. this is his life now. a life full of rats and birds his cats refuse to kill. 6/?

does this mean Lu You hates his cats now? naaah, son, he has accepted his fate and cuddles with them on stormy nights like the full-fledged cat slave he is 7/?


anyway if you noticed there's no Poem For My Cat 2, it's because it's technically this one that I translated for my post yesterday, but I can't quite place its timing in relation to the others

and there's one final poem but i'm so bad at translating it that I gave up loool. just know that Lu You was in a position where he'd be sad and lonely but he wasn't because he had his FAT CAT with him

Filing this under How People Lived in Ancient China twitter.com/i/events/12917…

Hope you enjoyed these 800-year-old cat liveblogs😂

More Chinese history tweets: linktr.ee/xiranjayzhao

OH and I gotta add that in modern China, cat owners really are called Cat Slaves 猫奴 or Poop Shoveling Officers 铲屎官 (which implies that the cat is the emperor) 🥴

this thread is going around again so bringing this back

ALSO for those who missed it, there's another poet around this era who also wrote cat poems!!

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