Ziran Jay Zhoa 🍉 Profile picture
#1 NYT-Bestselling & Hugo-Award-Disqualified Author (IRON WIDOW + ZACHARY YING) | They/Them | French Twt: @xiran_francais
@AlgoCompSynth@universeodon.com by znmeb Profile picture sirshannon Profile picture Laura47 (they/them) Profile picture 6 subscribed
Jun 25 8 tweets 2 min read
Omg so in China "ruining a soldier's marriage" is a jailable crime but I just saw a case where a soldier wants to sue his wife for having an affair...except it's with a woman, so if he wants the charge to stick the state has to legally recognize same-sex relationships 😭😭 I highly, highly doubt it would happen or that the case would even go to court but IMAGINE if same-sex partnerships get recognized in China just so they can jail this woman for wrecking a soldier's home 😭😭😭

Jan 20 12 tweets 4 min read
Totally forgot cheese isn't really a thing in most of China and it's absolutely wild to read a thread full of people going "I thought cheese would be so delicious by the way Tom and Jerry ate it on TV but when I had it for real for the first time I was so disappointed : (" Come to think of it I legit don't think my grandparents have ever tasted cheese
Oct 6, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
LOSING IT @ THIS MING DYNASTY UNDERWEAR RECREATION ImageImage OK upon further Research it's not Ming dynasty it was recreated from artifacts ranging from Tang to Southern Song. I knew the Ming weren't slutty enough for this. ImageImage
Jun 2, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
So. Thread about the Zachary Ying audiobook:

Turns out my publisher got a Japanese VA to narrate it, which means ALL the Mandarin in it is wrong. I didn't find this out until after its release bc I was never sent samples of the audiobook in progress or any preview of it 1/9 I'm pretty annoyed bc when my publisher first sent me a list of four candidates to choose from, I instantly suspected they were all either Japanese or Korean, so I asked if any of them were native Mandarin speakers, bc there's a LOT in the book so that's rather important 2/9
May 10, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read

12-year-old me, this one's for you. Other kids may call you the weird Chinese kid obsessed with Yugioh, but one day that's gonna get you PUBLISHED in BOOKSTORES so now who's laughing?💙😆 The cover of Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor, designed bZachary Ying never had many opportunities to learn about his AS ALWAYS, ENDLESS LOVE TO KARYN LEE FOR DESIGNING AND @Velinxi FOR ILLUSTRATING THIS COVER THAT TAKES MY BREATH AWAY EVERY TIME

Zachary Ying buy links!! - ZacharyYing.com
An audiobook narrated by Neo Cihi is available! simonandschuster.com/books/Zachary-…
May 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Biggest lie I ever believed about publishing was that it's a meritocracy and good books will inevitably get attention lol Through the traditional means of entry to publishing, Iron Widow was judged as only having the potential to sell a few thousand copies 2/?
May 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Idk why there's publishing age discourse but just want y'all to know Antoine Saint-Just published at 20 and the preface was

"I am 20 years old. I've done poorly. I could do better." Preface to Organt reading "J'ai vingt ans; j'ai mal fai Then he got elected as the youngest deputy to the National Convention at 25 and quickly became one of the most powerful twinks in France

Then he got guillotined at 26

Idk what point I was trying to make with this I just wanted to talk about Saint-Just tbh
May 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
planning a trip to europe in the fall, taking destination recommendations 👀 ok should've specified Continental Europe because it's gonna take something real special to get me to bother converting money to pounds and bringing another type of outlet adaptor just for the UK
Apr 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Anyone got recommendations for artists open to commissions who have a very dreamy, painterly style? Putting together an educational French Revolution / French Republican Calendar with a key figure repping each month 👀 Tentative list

Vendemiaire: Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette getting arrested
Brumaire: Napoleon being shady in fog
Frimaire: Lafayette being cringe

Nivose: Claire Lacombe & Pauline Leon repping working class women
Pluviose: Marat in his bathtub
Ventose: Jacques-Louis David drawing
Apr 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I was yelling "NAPOLEON AND BEETHOVEN WERE GAY" in my dream??? I dreamed that I had to play a video game for school and it featured a statue of one dude defending another, but the statue turned out to be Napoleon hit by a curse while defending Beethoven and then suddenly they came back to life and Napoleon had the ability to throw bears??
Apr 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Cw: Death, suicide

My heart is broken. Just found out a trans kid I follow on Tumblr passed away, very possibly by taking his own life, and one of the last posts he made was about receiving hate for months because of his stance against Harry Potter and the new game coming out I'm not saying HP and JK Rowling are directly responsible for this but I do want to remind anyone who still supports the franchise that trans people are one of the most vulnerable groups in society, and THEY are who JK has directed her vast resources into campaigning against
Apr 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
what if i actually went to Brazil. what then 15 HOURS FASDL;FKJDF;KLASD
Apr 20, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read

Mar 15, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Looking at pics from the Mister Global pageant's national costume round and once again the Southeast Asians are BRINGING the drama, omg India and Sri Lanka lookin real good too!!!!!
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I need people to stop sexualizing Zelenskyy, it is SO WEIRD also need Reddit to stop talking about how big they think his balls are, like what the hell
Feb 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm going feral trying to find this one piece of art that was Phantom of the Opera inspired but was a spin on Chinese opera instead, does anyone know what I'm talking about 😭 FOUND IT, IT'S THIS PIECE BY EMILY XU AHHHHHH

instagram.com/p/CKNBeIXFMSq/… Image
Feb 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
in a gothic romance mood and was thinking about how to adapt it for a Chinese setting but I think you gotta go all the way back 2300 years to the Warring States era to get that same dark, gloomy vibe 😂 Warring States Romance let's go
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
ok Love Never Dies gets a lot easier to stomach if you think of it as a comedy. i mean just the absolute C U N T of the phantom getting so pumped after finding out he's christine's baby daddy that he shows up UNMASKED to raoul like "🤪WASSUP RAOUL 🤪 GUESS WHAT??" (but also they're both trash and pathetic and christine deserved so much better lmao)
Jan 17, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I'M READING THE INJUSTICE COMIC AND IT'S HURTING ME SO MUCH MORE THAN EXPECTED ok but highkey iconic how superman just TWEETED out batman's identity
Jan 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read

In an attempt to make the demand for this less cursed I am auctioning off 1 copy of Iron Widow that I sat on (and that my cats rubbed upon)!

Copy will be signed and personalized for the winner! Will ship anywhere!

Auction listing in comments -> Auction Listing: ebay.ca/itm/3846732820…

Proceeds will go to the National Cervical Cancer Coalition (nccc-online.org) or another charity of the winner's choice!

go wild you cursed fiends
Jan 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
can't believe clark kent and bruce wayne have canonically gone through the THERE'S ONLY ONE BED trope for some reason this tweet was a HIT with Brazilians and u know what? so glad Brazilians have such fine taste