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Aug 28, 2020, 7 tweets

Activists are gathering at the Lincoln Memorial for the 2020 #MarchOnWashington — the same place where MLK delivered his iconic address 57 years ago.

Dubbed the "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" march, it is expected to draw tens of thousands protesting racism and police brutality.

U.S. police have killed at least 751 people in 2020.

In DC, Black mothers, children and families who lost loved ones to police violence are among thousands attending today's #MarchOnWashington:

Black people make up 13% of the U.S. population but 28% of all U.S. police killings in 2020.

According to Mapping Police Violence:
▪️ Police kill unarmed Black people 4X more often than unarmed white people in major police jurisdictions
▪️ In 99% of cases, no charges are brought

Dozens of activists walked from Milwaukee to DC to raise awareness about police brutality & take part in the #MarchOnWashington.

One activist who was allegedly shot during the walk said: “We made it, wasn’t nothing going to stop us.”

The group covered 750 miles in 25 days.

“Demonstration without legislation will not lead to change…We come to let you know that we will come out by these numbers…that we will stand in the polls all day long.”

Rev. Al Sharpton speaks as demonstrators gather for the #MarchOnWashington.

“We will not be a footstool to oppression. Most of all we will not dress up this genocide and call it police brutality. We will only pledge allegence to the truth,” #JacobBlake’s sister said at the #MarchOnWashington, before thousands of demonstrators at the Lincoln Memorial.

Many #MarchOnWashington activists are calling on the Senate to enact the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which includes banning no-knock warrants & halting military supplies to police.

Thousands of protesters are marching through DC to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.

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